sjgonzal's Pirates, Vikings and Knights (PC)
[February 7, 2007 02:07:28 AM]
If you have half-life 2 downloaded to your computer then you will be able to download this game for free! This game really is the exact same setup as COunter-Strike, except that's it's so much cooler being a knight and degrading peasants(press c and i forget which number). I didnt really comprehend what the actual point of the game was, but what you have to do is that knights usually guard the treasure, and the vikings and pirates try to steal it. Some levels favor the different groups, and there are different modes of play for them. One of the setups is that there is only one box of treasure, and everyone goes after the guy that has it (capture the flag). Another one that is impossible as a viking, is the tower level in the desert. It's very much like 'king of the hill' in halo where there is a certain spot that you have to hold at all costs. I can't wait until they start adding new characters that you can be for each team. For example, they are going to add to the knights class are archers, clerics and lords. To the pirates: swashbucklers, captains, and freebooters. To the vikings: huscarls, and jarls???
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[February 6, 2007 09:51:33 PM]
I was playing Counter Strike when me and my roomate found that he had accidentally downloaded this game called "pirates..." I wasn't too impressed with the title, but how wrong was I soon to find out. The type of game is a first-person shooter that emphasizes swords and crossbows instead of guns and grenades. Actually, if you are a pirate, you can have a gun, sabre, and keg of gunpowder at your disposal. That's right I said keg. However, the pirates are super weak, and have no defense. The knights have a huge Excalibur-type sword, a crossbow, and are really hard to kill. Finally, the Vikings have an axe and sword, and are super crazy. It amazes me how simplistic this game is, and yet I've had more fun with it in 20 minutes, than I have had playing CS my whole life. Even if you are not htat good at first-person shooters like I am, just the graphics and envrionments alone will entertain you. Battle on scurvy scallywags.
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sjgonzal's Pirates, Vikings and Knights (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Tuesday 6 February, 2007
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