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    Sol's Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Wii)

    [February 11, 2007 03:38:49 AM]
    I'm playing this a bit more because I'm actually a bit curious to see the storyline on folding, I'm almost approaching hour 2 on the first mission. It's going really slow. I'm getting used to some of the mechanics of sneaking around. I'm starting to figure out the thresholds of detection. The precision of movement felt a little bit awkward. I want to go one way and it decides to go another. One more major annoyance I found now is the camera. I just found it very hard to control and it made concentrating my field of vision more difficult, especially the zoom. I tire my arm holding the Wiimote up for so long concentrating on a specific spot. Well back to finishing at least the first level before I have to return it.

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    [February 9, 2007 02:37:48 PM]
    Well I've been on it for another while, and it hasn't changed much. I'm still as frustrated. It's been really slow going, so I haven't progressed much. To answer Zinn's question, it would seem that not much thought was put in to some of the controls. I am starting to learn where my limits are when I sneak around, so that's bringing back a slight interest back. There's no real background music so that puts me a little bit on edge. I would change how information is given to me in the middle of the mission. I'm sneaking around and all of a sudden I'm interrupted by the loud radio transmission. That greatly distracted me. Rent it first to see if it's in your tastes before buying. I have mixed feelings toward it.
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    [February 9, 2007 03:56:32 AM]
    I was warned by the guy at Blockbuster about the many frustrations he found with this game. I decided to go ahead and rent it anyway to get a feel for it. Well, I can see where the guy got the sentiment from. I too, became frustrated very quickly. I'll say right now, this isn't a game for anyone with a small TV. You need a giant TV these days to be able to see anything these days... I wasn't expecting anything great since they didn't put much effort in the splash screen when you tuned in to the Disk Channel on the Wii before booting the game. As I started off I quickly found that the most I'll be doing is walking very slowly. That gets very boring to me after doing it for most of the game, so this game can easily make a gamer lose interest in it. It's also not very friendly to new players. The training messages you get only last for a very short time, with no chance to finish reading what it says. There are also no visual hints on where to quietly position yourself to snap someone's neck. It also seems that everywhere you turn you get caught by someone. So far I'm more than a half hour into what seems to be half of a small level, a good portion of it just dying at every turn. It just doesn't seem all that interesting, and more complicated than it's worth. I'm also totally clueless over what the storyline is trying to unfold because I can't even finish a "training" stage. I'll see what a few more minutes of this will do.

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    Sol's Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Wii)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got frustrated

    GameLog started on: Thursday 8 February, 2007

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 22 February, 2007

    Sol's opinion and rating for this game

    If you have the patience of Buddha, try it.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

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