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    Relinquisher KOS-MOS's Xenogears (PS)

    [February 9, 2007 12:08:43 PM]
    After playing this game a little more, I ended up talking to Elly more. Something tells me she did something horrible in the past. Anyway, I fought a dragon in a forest I ended up in. It was an easy fight. But, it was designed nicely. First, I fought him hand-to-hand. It wasn't to difficult, but eventually Citan Uzuki came and gave me my Gear. This made the fight much easier. I viewed the fight from a nice side view so I could see my Gear. It really was designed nicely. I managed to defeat the dragon and continue the story.
    So far, I think this is where the most dialog occured. Citan and Elly talked and talked and talked some more. It wasn't bad, the story is good, but it gets tiring to read a lot. Maybe that's just me though. I like cutscenes because it I think they draw me into the game more. I can see the characters' emotions better. I think I would have liked it if they made those long dialogs into cutscenes, but the story is a least good enough to want to finish reading. And it is the Playstation, so I wouldn't give the game a lower score just because of that.
    I also noticed the design of the various areas. I thought for the Playstation, they looked pretty nice. I could tell the forest was a forest. And it really felt like I was walking through a forest which was good. The town was pretty nice and so were the mountains. But, I think I was impressed with the forest the most so far.
    Finally, I learned that it is possible to jump in this game. This was so weird for me because I haven't played many RPGs where you can jump. I think only the Kingdom Hearts games I could jump in. I like jumping, but it doesn't really add anything to this game. So far, I think it would be fine even if there wasn't any jumping. Overall though, the game is fun and the story is good so I'll keep playing it.
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    [February 8, 2007 04:53:36 PM]
    So, I just managed to get a copy of Xenogears for about $20. I've been hearing a lot of good things about it and decided to see for myself. I've barely started though. I started in a town and just wandered around town for a bit collecting stuff and talking to people. It was fun because I learned a little about the game too. When I was done in town I set out to the mountains to pay a visit to a guy named Citan Uzuki. He's a crazy guy. He kept blowing up stuff trying to invent or whatever it was he was doing. He is the first party member I was able to converse with, so that was kind of nice.
    So far in this game, I was impressed with the few cutscenes they had. I can't say I've ever seen a videogame with hand-drawn cutscenes. I kind of wish they had more cutscenes because there is a lot of dialog so far. But, since it is the Playstation, I think I can give them a break. Plus, I guess it's good to read anyway. But, when I met up with Elly, there was really a lot of dialog so it would have been nice to have more cutscenes there.
    It's funny going back to the Playstation when the graphics weren't great. Watching characters talk when they look like little polygons is kind of funny at times. I see the characters and then I compare them to the Gears (which are giant mech things) and I think there is a difference. I thought the Gears looked a lot better than the characters, but maybe that is just me. All I know is that the Gears are fun to fight in. I just like the look of it when you're inside the Gear. I guess this brings me to battles. I like the battle system so far. It's fun. It's simple. It's different. I think that's why I like it. I like trying out new battle systems. So far, this one is good for me because the menus are easy to navigate through. And it's easy to attack. Plus, you learn moves called Deathblows to add some excitement to the battles.
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    Relinquisher KOS-MOS's Xenogears (PS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 31 January, 2007

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