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    ghlee's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [February 9, 2007 05:01:59 PM]
    I played Soul Calibur III for about two hours straight. I played the single player mode and had to follow the story. I was a bit good at playing Soul Calibur III because I found some keys for the special move. I was getting better and I unloked some of new weapons for each characters. Each characters had different stories. It was amazing because there was a choice which way to go or stop. If I take one way, I had a different opponent with different stories. Also, I unloked different weapons, maps, or a character. It was fun unlocking stuffs.
    Everytime I unlock the chacater, I tired new characters and found more special moves. I found out that long range characters are really good to fight with because I can fight from a far away and dodge them. The strength character can be good if I can figure a way to hit the opponent. Only bad thing is the speed. If I can hit the opponent, I can give a huge damage to that opponent. However, if I miss with any attack, it is hard to block the opponent's attack because it's just so slow to comeback to natural mode from attack mode. Agi. character is good to attack because it's likely to dodge, block, and attack anytime since the character is really fast. Only bad thing about this type of character is the damage. It takes forever to damage a half of the health of opponent because the damage of this type of character is really low. I prefer a fast and long range character.
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    [February 9, 2007 12:19:15 AM]
    I've been playing Soul Calibur III for about three hours with my friends around my dorm. My roomate and I rent the Playstation 2 from the Science Engineering Library. Soul Calibur III is a fighting game just like an old game called Street FIghter. However, this game is more interesting than other games because this is 3D game. Each Characters had their own characteristics; voice, story, weapons, clothings, accent, and so on.
    It was very difficult to learn how to make moves in the beginning. None of us knew how to block or make any special move than punching or kicking. After few battles, we got some good special attacks. Finally, we found out that each characters had different moves but the keys were exactly same. The best thing about this game is the ways to block the attacks. For example, I can only block kicks by crouching + blocking. I can only block the regular attack with regular block only. Furthermore, I can dodge to left, right, jump, or steping back. After I block or dodge, I can make any special moves right away and it's about 90% to hit the opponent. Unfortunately, it's not easy to dodge or block.
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    ghlee's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 9 February, 2007

    ghlee's opinion and rating for this game

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