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    ViewtifulBoe's Tony Hawks Underground (PS2)

    [February 9, 2007 05:54:28 AM]
    For my continued session of Tony Hawks Underground, I played the versus mode, as well as continuing my story mode. I played the versus mode “trick attack mode” versus my brother. I played as my created character against my brother Brendan and his created character. We set the time limit of the trick attack mode for 10 minutes. Basically, the object of the game is to accumulate a greater total point score than your opponent by using combinations of flip tricks, grabs, grinds, stalls, manuals, special tricks, and cavemen. We played on every single level, even the bonus levels of the original Tony Hawk games. The versus mode seems to have an incredible replay value and remained entertaining throughout the gaming experience despite my brother being much better at the game than me. The versus mode levels are the same ones as in the story mode, and are equally as expansive.
    After playing the versus mode for a while, I returned to my story mode game. I had just finished the competition to become an “amateur skater.” When the player gets his character to the amateur level, he can complete more tasks to increase the characters statistics. The player must also choose which sponsor that he wants his character to have. The sponsor that the player chooses determines what happens in the story, who he meets, and what types of boards that he skates on. The player can choose between Birdhouse, Flip, Girl, Zero, and Element. I chose the Element skateboarding company as my characters sponsor. As a result, I skated with professional skaters who are sponsored by Element in real life such as Bam Margera and Mike Vallely. This game has incredible replay value because the character can choose multiple story paths. The game also has different levels of difficulty ranging from easy to sick mode. The more challenging the level, the harder the challenges are to complete and the harder it is to level up the statistics of the character. The incredible graphics and the expansive levels help to make the game amazing, but the most important part of the gameplay is that the character can trick off of anything, allowing him to combo across entire cities for minutes at a time if the player is good enough. The versus mode, expansive story mode and levels, the many things to trick off of, the character creation, and the incredible replay value have made the Tony Hawk series into classic games. This one may be the best one that I have played yet.

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    [February 9, 2007 05:10:40 AM]
    For my gamelog I played Tony Hawks Underground. I believe that it is the 5th game in the Tony Hawk game series and it is as amazing as the previous ones. The game has a massive story mode, a freeskate mode, and multiple versus modes such as "trick attack, freeskate, horse, graffiti, and tag." The game has an amazing character creation mode that was awesome for its time. It has many faces to choose from, skin colors, genders, clothing, skateboards, and the player can even adjust the characters height and individual body part sizes. The story mode is a progressive game where the character that you create plays his way from a nobody skater, to a professional skater. The levels are located in big cities such as Miami or New Jersey. The cities are filled to the brim with hundreds of places to “trick off of” and create huge combos. The character can grind his board on a variety of things such as rails, ramps, ledges, or even things such as tree branches and telephone wires. The character skates around the levels completing skateboard oriented tasks for the citizens or the city and for fellow skateboarders. The tasks are fun and challenging, and can range from simple things as having to prove your abilities by busting huge combos, or having to ride all over the city delivering peanuts to distract security guards so that you can sneak into a building to skateboard. The hundreds of places to skate across the city make the game constantly fun and allow the player to increase their characters statistics. The characters become better as the player accomplishes tasks such as grinding for 15 seconds without breaking, doing a 900 degree spin trick, or 10 flip tricks in one combo. As characters become better, they can do bigger, better tricks and bust much larger combos. If a player and a character become good enough, they can combo across the entire city. One very important aspect that was added to Tony Hawks Underground is that your character can get off of his/her board, run around the city, or climb onto buildings. If the player is fast enough at hopping off and onto his board enough while in a combo, it the combo continues. The game so far is expansive, constantly entertaining, has elaborate levels, and a wonderful character creation.
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    ViewtifulBoe's Tony Hawks Underground (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 9 February, 2007

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