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    GraugyFi's Counter Strike (PC)

    [February 9, 2007 03:35:21 PM]
    For my second hour of gameplay I played a map where you could level up your weapons. I had never played this type of game before. The way it worked was that every player started off the game with the first hand gun in the game. No one could buy weapons or armour. The goal was to get as many kills as you could and for every two kills your weapon upgrades. If you die, you respawn automatically. It was a fast paced game that needed all of my concentration. My strategy was to follow my teammates and work as a group to get kills. This strategy worked well and I was able to rank 3rd on my team for many of the rounds. I also played as quickly as I could. This game helped me work on my shot. I learned to aim higher as to get more headshots. Although I did not get any more headshots I got many more kills. I finally had more kills than deaths. (this is a tough game to get back into) I ended up playing a number of maps. My favorite map for this game was the office. It allowed the game to be much quicker than it had been in other levels. The problem I had most with the game was that we did not play each level for long enough. We would play two 8 minute rounds. This however wasn't enough time for me to get very far past the automatic shotgun. This game improved both my aim and my quickness, both to hide and to shoot. I wish I had remembered the name of this game because I would like to play it again.
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    [February 9, 2007 03:22:38 PM]
    I used to play this game a great deal and was fairly good at it. I spent most of the 45 minutes that I played this game getting back into it. I spent my time playing two levels, "dust" and "aztec." I also switched back and forth between counter terrorists and terrorists. My basic goal was to re-teach myself strategy. When I first began playing on dust I did terrible. I ended up dying many times before I actually could get a kill as a counter terrorist. My weapon of choice was the m4. I continued to play even though I had been getting frustrated with dying. However, each time I died I watched other players play, one aspect of the game that I think is great. It helped me learn other players strategies to help improve upon mine. So I began taking the game a little more cautiously. I had forgotten that my player could actually duck, which helped me a lot. I then played the map aztec on which I played as a terrorist. My weapon of choice here was the ak47. I began using the map a bit more than I had in dust. I found that it was a bit easier to hide and conseal myself in this map. My strategy here, which worked fairly well, was to sneak behind the CT forces and take them out from behind. I also started working with my teammates more. I realized that I cannot always take it alone; that was why I kept on getting killed. Even though I did not get too many kills this time I really felt that the strategy I learned would help me out in the future.
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    GraugyFi's Counter Strike (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 9 February, 2007

    GraugyFi's opinion and rating for this game

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