etothe3's Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
[February 10, 2007 12:47:37 AM]
I still couldent beat that level. The design remained beautiful, and the final boss was just too dificult. I can get almost to the end without dying, however, its not very exciting after many passes. I find that there are quite distinct patterns, which means that if i really practice carefully, i can beat it. At this point, Im just a little discouraged. That is all.
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[February 9, 2007 10:13:02 PM]
Contra 3 was first introduced to me in 2003, by a friend of mine who was obcessed with playing extremely hard video games. He heard about the Contra series' legandary dificulty, and so he spent the next two months beating it on an emulator on his computer. Towards the end of this mission of his, I began to play as well. It was very hard, and unfortunaltey my keyboard just was not up to the rapid button presses. Now with a new keyboard, i can play competently as well. Heres what happened today.
It always takes a while to get used to the controls again, contra gives no opportunity to become accoustemed to the button scheme. Right from the beginning the player finds enemies comming from behind him, from angles, and flying as well. In order to beat the first level, the player must get every powerup and use them to their full abilities to be able to play at a somewhat casual response rate. None of the dificulty can be blamed on the controls however, because the eight degrees of fire are not strictly limiting: the bullets fan between directions nicely. The player must be very precise, because the size of the charicter is so large, reactions cannot afford to be imprecise.
I am still stuck on the first level, but I swear ill get past it soon.
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etothe3's Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Tuesday 9 September, 2003