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    aldymachine's NFL Blitz (N64)

    [February 11, 2007 05:49:53 PM]
    Now I have tried both single player--computer opponent--and multiplayer--human opponent and it is safe to say that playing with another human being is infinitely more fun. In fact, playing the computer is about as fun as playing chess on the computer. NFL Blitz creates fun, excitement, and stimulation by establishing a game world that real people can occupy. Some other games I would classify likewise include, Super Smash Bros., Mario Tennis, etc. These games can certainly be played in single player mode, but because they lack any kind of story, individual entertainment value is low. I call these games, "party games" because they are perfect for when there are a bunch of people hanging out who need a medium for fun. Imagine playing monopoly with three robots, it just wouldn't be that fun. This said, there remains a lot of strategy to be had. The honing of this strategy can be a personally fulfilling activity for many players. For example, every time there is a new play to be had, each player is allowed to select a play from about 12 optional set ups. Once the play is in action, as quarter back the player may choose how long to wait before throwing the ball, who to throw it to, and where to run. This game seems to be both proggressive and emergence. While gameplay presents the players with a definite set of potential moves that can be put together in any different combination for unique outcomes, the game also progresses in a very set and regular way. This includes half-time, first downs, touch downs, punts, etc. This is a great game and I love it.
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    [February 11, 2007 05:30:40 PM]
    NFL Blitz is interesting because unlike many other video games, the world it creates and the rules that dictate its function are all taken from reality. Football is a sport that has been played for a very long time by many people. The question I am drawn to ask is, what makes video game football different from regular football. Asside from the laziness factor, what about playing Blitz is different from actually playing football. The biggest difference I can distinguish is this: NFL Blitz gives the players the ability to control the entire team, which makes for a game that, although it follows the same basic rules, requires a completely different set of skills. Regular football wants a high degree of physical prowess and the ability to work fluidly with team members to achieve a goal. NFL Blitz puts players in control of an entire team simultaneously. With the press of a button it is possible to switch control to any player on the team. Once in control of a given player, movement and action is farely simple. It is possible to make the player run fast or slow, to pass, to juke, and to tackle. The computer does a lot of the hardest work for you. Any time you switch from player to player it automatically selects the player who is closest to the ball. This means it is farely possible to mash random buttons and successfully gain yardage. However, mashing buttons is not going to win you the game unless you are playing someone else who is mashing random buttons worse than you. This game is fun in a different way from real football, yet provides much of the same violent and reckless glee.
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    aldymachine's NFL Blitz (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 8 February, 2007

    aldymachine's opinion and rating for this game

    A great game of emergence based in the world of professional football.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See aldymachine's page

    See info on NFL Blitz

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    5 : NFL Blitz (N64) by glowe10 (rating: 5)
    6 : NFL Blitz (N64) by Kab II (rating: 5)
    7 : NFL Blitz 2000 (DC) by Gunther (rating: 5)


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