GameKyuubi's Perfect Cherry Blossom (PC)
[September 7, 2007 04:57:28 PM]
Updateupdateupdate time. Cleared Normal mode without continuing and without extra lives, cleared Extra, and then recently cleared Phantasm. Slowly working on Hard mode now. Extra and Phantasm are beautifully scripted. Each pattern is like a puzzle. You have to figure it out quickly (before you get hit). Once you figure it out, it's not over. The bullets will come faster and faster until you drain the pattern's life bar. Obviously a lot of thought went into these patterns. I'm glad I stuck with it for as long as I have.
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[February 19, 2007 09:00:00 AM]
So I played some more PCB today. Beat my high score on Normal with 200mil points. Ended at stage 5 boss again. There's just something about stages 4 and 5 that totally rip me to shreds. I can take the boss of 4, but getting there is a real pain in the ass. I think those stages are actually kinda comparable to Ikaruga's stages 4/5 in difficulty. The enemies shoot toward you in huge volleys and repeat rather quickly, so if you aren't in the right spot before they start firing, you have little hope of making it out alive, or at least without using a bomb. There are also sections where taking out the enemies as quickly as possible is an absolute must. The reason for this is that if you let them hang around for more than a few seconds, they start firing at just the spot you have to be in to hit the next oncoming enemy. It takes some really quick planning if you wanna get through those areas unscathed. Perhaps next time I'll try to record that area so you get a better feel for the sheer number of bullets that are fired in rapid succession.
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GameKyuubi's Perfect Cherry Blossom (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 4 January, 2007