After playing an hour of SSB I realized it is not as easy as it seems. It was easy for me to pick up how to play. But playing against harder opponents seems to be a challenge. The specific moves of particular characters can give them an advantage. For example for fox you can use a gun and shoot people from a range then go and attack them afterwards and for kirby you can swallow a character and gain his abilities. So far I think the replay value of the game is good because of the diverse characters. If I were to improve the game I would suggest to add co-op moves for 2 player teams to attack the opposing teams. The items are also advantageous to the player because they can improve a players status, giving him the advantage over the other ones. For example the mushroom can make you large and deal more damage to opposing players.
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[February 23, 2007 01:43:47 AM]
Today I played Super Smash brother for the N64. The game is basically a 3D fighter which consist of characters from the Nintendo Franchise. I am playing against the coputer AI and it is kind of challenging. Unlike other fighting games, SSB does not base dying on a health bar but a percent bar. You can get as much damage as you want as long as you dont fly off the screen. The percents depends on how much hits you take in and determins how far you are poped away. There are also items from various Nintendo games that have different functions. So far this game is pretty much a 3D fighter and a beat em up because there is no clear story line of why the Nintendo characters are fighting each other. The characters also have diverse sets of moves, speeds, and attacks. But each character has the basic block and duck moves. In another part of the game there are mazes for the player to play on. What interest me about this game is it is a 3D game with a 2D world where you can role pass other characters and the game is not based on health either. To kill a player he must be knocked off the platform. Overall I think the game play is good but they need to work on a storyline.
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cs_california's Super Smash Brothers (N64)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Technical problems