Nemo's Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
[February 23, 2007 02:44:22 AM]
My friends and I looked for strengths and weaknesses in the SMB3 game. One of the bad things we noticed was the repetitiveness of the bosses. The level always starts on a flying ship where there are bullets and cannons firing. This is followed by a shelled Koopa that needs to be destroyed by jumping on its head 3 times. This in turn would gives you a wand that can be used to save the king who has been transformed into a spider or something. Seeing this again and again makes the game a bit boring. Another downfall is the frustration encountered when one looses all of his/her lives and has to redo all of the levels of that world. I find the game fun but also there is more frustration in this game since I end up redoing a lot of the levels. Some of the things I really like about this game are the different suits Mario and Luigi can get. These include the frog, raccoon, and flower power suits. Overall, I think this game is pretty cool.
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[February 23, 2007 02:05:57 AM]
I borrowed Super Mario Brother 3 for NES from the library. It’s a game I haven’t played since I was a kid. I think this game was the first one ever to have a map where the players can select the place they are going to go next. This game also has things that are new to NES and Mario Brothers including mini games. Another thing that this game has is a place to keep a store of items that the player can use before starting the level. These advancements were revolutionary to such games. Many of these strategies are still used in games today. I think this proves that SMB3 got a lot of things right in terms of making a successful game.
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