cires13's Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
[February 23, 2007 03:23:57 AM]
At the end of the deku tree dungeon was the boss that was a fairly large creature with an enormous eye in a dimly lit room. In order to do damage to him you have to hit him in the eye with the slingshot to stun him and then get him in the eye with the short sword. The overall difficulty for this boss was relatively low but this can be expected because he is the first boss in the game. Once I was out of the dungeon the story led me on my way to the castle of Hyrule. Interestingly enough, when it changes to night and you are in the fields of Hyrule, skeletons raise from the ground continuously for the night and attack you. What probably made this such a good game was the fact the game takes place in a large world allowing the player some freedom to explore.
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[February 23, 2007 03:23:36 AM]
Zelda Ocarina of Time was a great game for the N64 consol. It was one of the earlier games to be released. In the game there is no actual button to jump, the player just has to press the rolling button when they are close to the edge. The story starts out in the forest where a young boy without a fairy lives. When he gets a fairy, she acts as kind of like a tutorial for starting off the game. From this point I headed off to the first dungeon in the game which lies in a giant dying tree. There are a number of puzzles that require the use of objects such as the deku stick and the slingshot.
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