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    sjchen's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [February 23, 2007 06:29:26 PM]
    For my second session playing Soul Calibur III, I decided to try out the tales of souls mode. I once again went with a character I was familiar with in choosing Kilik. Playing the tales of souls mode, it became quickly apparent that this was a story mode for each of the characters. However, unlike traditional matches in a vs mode or arena mode, each fight in tales of souls mode is only comprised of one battle, instead a best out of two scenario. After each fight the game narrates the character's story and traces the progress on a world map. I found it somewhat amusing that my character effortlessly traveled from Western Europe to Japan in no time. The fights itself were rather easy, as the computer difficulty did not seem too high. For Kilik's story, he is basically traveling to pursue the soul edge carried by Nightmare. After countless quick fights, Kilik finally reaches Nightmare, and after I defeated him, Zasalamel, who you encountered once before, appears and transfromers into Abyss. However, I found that defeating Abyss proved much easier this time. This variance in difficulty of the boss from the arena mode was probably due to having to only defeat him one round. Overall, I found this game mode to be rather unappealing, as it with very repititive and annoying in some respects. However, the game mode itself had some nice cut scenes through the fights and a longer cut scence at the end of the story. As far as my gaming preferences go, I ultimately enjoy the multiplayer aspects of fighting games the most.
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    [February 23, 2007 04:34:37 AM]
    This is actually my first time playing Soul Calibur III, but I have played Soul Calibur II before, so I am somewhat familiar with the combat system in this game. As far as 3D fighters go, I find that the Soul Calibur series is top-notch, so I have rather high expectations going into this gaming session. One of the first things I decided to try out in this version of Soul Calibur was obviously the new characters. In starting up the game, I quickly noticed that there are an abundance of game types to choose from. I decided that the simplicity of a quick arena game would allow me to easily test out the new characters.

    Predictably, I choose to be Zasalemi first, and quickly found that his fighting style is not to my liking, as it resembles that of Nightmare and Siegfried; two characters that I hav never been particularly fond of. After a few games, I decided to give Tira a try. Tira quickly reminds me of Taki's fighting style. Although I have never been really good with Taki in the previous versions, I enjoy using the fighting style that Tira and Taki employ. After trying to get the hang of Taki in many quick arena matches, I decided to stop testing out the new chracters. I'll try out Setsuka another time.

    I decided to try out Mitsurugi, one of my favorite chracters in previous versions. I quickly found that he has most, if not all of the same moves from the older versions. I piloted Mitsurugi quickly through a series of arena matches, and only found the computer operated Setsuka a little difficult to defeat. Coming to round 8, I come to face a new character named Abyss, who appears to be a boss. As I was unfamilar with this new character, it took me various attempts to figure out an effective strategy to defeat Abyss.
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    sjchen's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 23 February, 2007

    sjchen's opinion and rating for this game

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