Sol's Final Fantasy (PSP)
[February 23, 2007 05:16:43 AM]
Ok... either there's a game balance issue, I'm having a bad luck streak, or I'm just really bad at this. This time two creeps killed me off. The damage actually dealt ranges a little too much, from 3 to 25. I'm sure if I can figure out the inner mechanics of the game I'll probably do better. Until then it looks like luck will dictate whether I live or die.
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[February 23, 2007 04:41:03 AM]
Here's a game I've never played in full earnest before. From my knowledge of the world of games Final Fantasy set the standard of the RPG realm. So I tried to see how far I'd get. Well... I didn't get very far. I died soon after. Darn wolves. So I guess there's a lot more to it than that... The level design seems pretty hard, I suppose...
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