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    TheLebrons's mario 64 (N64)

    [February 23, 2007 07:02:57 AM]
    One of my few complaints about the game is the free floating camera. At times, the camera can be forced into an awkward angle. Sometimes, the camera makes it hard to jump across some of the platforms. The controls can be a little loose at times. Each stage can be played multiple times with different objectives to collect stars. This gets repetitive after playing the stage so many times even if the mission is different. The most annoying is probable collecting coins. That is one of the reasons why I never collected all the stars in the game and found Yoshi. One of the main differences in Mario 64 is the lifebar. Mario no longer eats mushrooms to grow in size. It might have been fun to employ the mushroom powerup system in the game. Instead, the makers decided to switch to caps.
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    [February 23, 2007 06:55:55 AM]
    Super Mario 64 was one of the launch games for the N64 and in my opinion, still one of its best games. I remember the first time I played this game and being amazed at the graphics and interactivity of the 3-D world. The main title of the game provides some fun for the player since you are allowed to grab and pull Mario's face. Its just one of the many innovative features employed in the game. When the first game begins, its hard not to run around outside the castle to see the game in action. Mario has a wide array of jumps including a triple jump and backflip that was never possible in 2-D. Upon entering the castle and jumping into the first stage, the real game begins. It is still fun to see Mario take the giant leap from 2-D to 3-D. The sight of the chomp brings back memories as I race through the level quickly, at times forgetting the way and getting lost. All the bosses in the game are pretty fun to play against though not to difficult. They mostly involve running behind and throwing them. Beating Bowser is a little difficult at first until you get the timing right on the release.
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    TheLebrons's mario 64 (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 23 February, 2007

    TheLebrons's opinion and rating for this game


    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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