blackmamba's Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
[February 23, 2007 05:10:57 PM]
One great thing about this game is all the different power ups you can get. One of my favorite was the racoon tail, it is kind of a weird idea but it works so I like it. The many different powerups you can get make the game more fun because it opens up all kinds of different possibilities for puzzles and secret areas that mario can get into. They also allow for a lot of diversity so it makes the game more fun. Another one of my favorite powerups was the boot that you can jump around in and be lamost invicible in, it was fun. Great game.
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[February 23, 2007 04:17:09 PM]
Wow, I forgot how much fun this game was. The level design on this game is really good. It has lots of secrets and warps and there is a lot of variety. The different worlds are great too, they make the game way more fun. The game has a resemblence to the original marios which is nice because is has a good feeling to it. This adds to the fun because of the familiarity of the mario character. The game is based on having great level design and it does a good job with it.
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