During the next session of play I got passed the first continent and found another village. The village introduced a new objective, defeat the pirates. Upon completing this mission one get's a new reward, too. The ability to go across the ocean on a boat. This enables the player to visit far away contninents and complete more advanced missions. With these new territories come harder enemies, that I am not yet able to defeat. To advance farther I either need more powerful weapons or spells, or a way higher level. This fact is discouraging because the only way to get these things is by earning experience or money through repetive fights that get boring after a while.
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[February 23, 2007 04:39:45 PM]
Final Fantasy was a more engaging game than I originally thought it was going to be. The ability to name characters was fun put pretty limiting because you could only have four letters. The overall game play was very fun, and not that much different than rpg's of today. The different character abilities useful in different situations, and each level really helps your character. The only complaint that I have so far is that leveling up takes too much time.
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