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    jason tom's mario 64 (N64)

    [February 24, 2007 01:15:01 AM]
    After the next hour of play i started to look more at the actual gameplay and the graphics and difficulties that came up in the game. I found that the gameplay was very broad and all there really was too it was that Princess Peach was captured and you have to defeat Bowser in order to save the princess. That wasn't much different than any of the other Mario games that had come out before. I also noticed that controlling the character was very difficult at first and it took some time and practice to be able to control him better. Also looking at the graphics of the gameplay i noticed that they werent always smooth. Some of the charatcers had rough edges that stood out. The camera angle was also interesting as it allowed for more movement but it also caused problems as you continued to play such as moving to late or moving as the wrong time. I did like however that to complete the game you had to move through many different worlds and you had several different objectives to complete. I also liked how Bowser continues to become harder the more times that you challenge him.
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    [February 24, 2007 12:55:29 AM]
    Mario 64 was a revolutionary game which brought in several new aspects to the gaming world. The first time i looked at it I looked at the game with a more technical point of view. Mario 64 incorporated the camera into a actual character which was never done before (and its fun being able to see him during the gameplay), and it allowed you to control the angle of the camera with only a push of a button. I also noticed that the game gave a good volume of collision detection, as you hit a wall you bounce back off it. This Mario 64 game also strays away from the usual mario games. Usually during mario games if you were hit you usually died. This is also the first mario game that allowed you to have a full 3D enviormen to run around in. Collecting coins was also different in Mario 64, originally you collected coins to gain lives but in this game you collected coins in order to gain lost health. This was a new type of game both for the overal gaming experience and to the chain of super mario games.
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    jason tom's mario 64 (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 24 February, 2007

    jason tom's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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