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    alon's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [February 24, 2007 02:27:45 AM]
    The next hour I played 8vs 8 team-battles and my god was it a lot more fun. I cannot explain why but to me beating three people with one person (Raphael I own with him). I cannot describe what it is about eight vs. eight except that it is more skill than luck in it. By the second hours beginning, I was back in my game and that may have made this more fun because I began wining more often, which is always great.
    It frustrates me a little that you do not receive damage while blocking. It seems illogical that a person could block a giant sword swing with a hand and remain alive, and not only that but undamaged, I feel that some damage even if greatly reduced would have made it more fun because than you would not need to stop a combo in the middle and hit the other persons legs. Talking of hitting legs I really enjoy how a sword in the face will just hurt you but poke someone in the leg and they begin jumping around on one leg for a little bit, I find it funny.
    The combo system in the game again is extremely simple with no move being more than a few buttons pushed together and a direction, which is also, why new players can jump right in the game that said there are different combos that work better for different situations and it takes a very experienced player to figure it out.
    Fighting on ice wow so fun. That was my reaction to one of the arenas, which was fully on ice and made people slide around as they fought often resulting in people failing off the side because they get pushed when someone hits them. This map was very entertaining because in it no one ever died and everyone simply fell off usually.
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    [February 24, 2007 02:16:02 AM]
    Soul caliber 3 is a very fun addicting game to play together.
    I am typing up both reports on the game though I wrote them down separately earlier at my friends room in crown where we played the game. Game is simple you fight each other and you win or lose. This game is gore less likely so that the creators can capture a younger audience. This game unlike some of the new fighting games is not insanely difficult to master enough to begin enjoying it. Infect a good “button masher may beat a more experienced player once in a while. The fact that the game offers the choice of many characters makes it fun by creating many different battles and not only that but your hero is customizable as far as what weapons each person can use and the effects of those. I was less experienced than my friend was in soul caliber 3 but was very good in soul caliber 2. We played vs. constantly for about an hour and than I sat and wrote this up. I feel that this game was really just a tiny add-on to the previous one and it kind off annoyed me that some of the characters were not what I remembered them as. This whole thing seemed to be a good game all over due o the fact that it allowed me to exert violence without hurting anyone.
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    alon's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 24 February, 2007

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