jenalynn's World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (PC)
[July 13, 2007 11:30:33 AM]
So, I started playing World of Wacraft this past month and have lvled just about 1 lvl per day so far. I'm really on a mission to hit lvl 70 by the time the summer is over. I really want to begin raiding with my guild by the time we start school again and I really excited each time I gain a new spell or form (as I am a Druid). I got the expansion pack for my birthday on Monday and immediately installed it, hoping that my game would totally change. Unfortunately I am not a high enough lvl to see a difference. The learning that goes on while I play is astounding. I find that I will get utterly frustrated and walk away sometimes. Then I will go back later on with fresh eyes (and some sleep) and the answer I was looking for became so lucid. I don't think I'll stop playing anytime soon!
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jenalynn's World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Friday 13 July, 2007