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    SkyKing's Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

    [January 14, 2008 02:47:00 AM]
    2nd Play


    After leaving the dreary dungeon of the tutorial, the game has really picked up. The world is immense, beatiful, and is sucking me in more and more. I zoomed the camera out and play with a 3rd person view to get a Zelda-esque look. The freedom in this game knows no bounds and I am thoroughly enjoying that. The open environment lets me explore to my heart's content. The pacing of enemy appearance is good for it allows heated battle as well as exloration time on a regular basis.
    As fun as customization of the my Emily's weapons was for me, my roommate found himself getting quite bored watching me play. The story does not progress fast enough for others to be fully entertained. It much different watching someone fight a pack of goblins and fighting a pack of goblins; one is just more fun.


    As I have said before, the customizaton and freedom of this game is a high point. I feel as if I can do whatever I want, thus allowing me to become my avatar. The Graphics are quite amazing and watching the sky in Oblivion is just as fun as watching the sky in real life. I think I need to play a bit more to fully appreciate the work put into the battle system but it is fun so far.

    The enemies seem to be at the perfect level. They are not so hard that I get frustrated and not so easy that I laugh them off. The game has a nice flow to it. The other characters in the game feel very real. Sure they still say the same thing every time you talk to them but each character has a specific style of speech to make them unique. The number of spells and weapons in the game is amazing, even just 2 hours into the game. The only complaint I have is that some symbols in the stats menu are confusing and I cant tell why and how to use some items. A help button in the menu would be nice.
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    [January 14, 2008 02:22:36 AM]

    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a Role Playing Game where the player completes quests and tasks, in a free-roaming environment, to power-up and customize their avatar. The player starts out as a prisoner but when an Emperor sees something special and is confided in, the quest begins. The game features real-time fighting, completely customizable characters, and enemies that vary in difficulty depending on your successes.


    Having played quite a few Japanese Role Playing games, I decided to try my hand at an American made one. Luckily enough, Oblivion for the XBox 360 was at the UCSC Library, so I checked it out and brought it home to play. Right off the bat it was apparent that this was an American made game because of all the good old American freedom. The player gets to create their own main character; race, class, age, height of the cheekbones, so much lays at the choice of the player and that sense of freedom did not deteriorate as the game progressed.
    After being created, the character wakes up in a dungeon with nothing but shackles and a shirt. So little information is given about the character. Reasons for imprisonment, family history, back story, all is unknown at this point in the game. Being an RPG, I understand that little story is revealed in the first few hours of the game but I knew nothing about my own character. I guess the memories you create with your character are what piece together the story.
    I was amazed by the amount of abilities and the leveling up process. Practice makes you perfect, which is definitely relayed in the game. By preforming an action, anything from running to swordplay, the character's respective stats go up. I became quite the acrobat by simply practicing jumping up and down some goblin-made steps. Though I knew so little about Emily, my avatar, I became attached to her more and more as I spent time leveling specific stats and customizing the well designed options menu. I wish there was a help menu at the stats screen though, for the meanings of some icons are not explained.
    All in all, I have recognized this game as very different from my Final Fantasy and my Dragon Quest but I am enjoying it.

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    SkyKing's Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 13 January, 2008

    SkyKing's opinion and rating for this game

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