galatasaraygirl's Halo 3 (360)
[January 14, 2008 11:41:27 PM]
(entry #2)
My second round at playing Halo 3 was just as fruitless as the first. This time, I played with my friend, so it had the element of teamwork with a person that was sitting two feet away from me. I tried to invert the controls of the character but it did not seem to help. Either, it is my lack of experience playing video games or that Halo is a tough game to understand. I still believe that it is a “point-and-shoot” game, and after talking it over with a couple of friends, they agreed with me that Halo 3 is not as appealing to people who just start playing the game, but rather, its geared more towards gamers who have played this game since the first one and are more addicted to the story of the game than the actual enjoyment of playing it.
Although I enjoyed playing Halo 3, I don’t think that I would play it again for fun. Because I started at the 3rd game in the series, I lack the information and knowledge that is associated with the game that was given in the beginning, thus not interesting me as a player of the game.
Other than my lack of experience and interest in the game, I must admit, the graphics of this game was very impressive. Many of the levels have computer-generated obstacles (other than the aliens) that created another element to overcome in the game. I really liked how the competitive and cooperative aspect of this game is able to work without flukes. I think this is a big attraction for Halo fans, and just regular people such as myself, seeing that technology has come this far to connect us and allow us to play real-time games with people on the other side of the world, which is one of the reasons why I think it keeps players coming back for more.
The tone of the gameworld is desolate and dreary, which is expected with the takeover of aliens. The aliens, being monstrous and ugly and huge, reflect the world as well. This was enhanced through the cut scenes, which not only helped explain the back story, but also gave insight on what was about to happen. The fluidity of the story is an indication of how popular the game and the idea of aliens are to the gaming society. Aliens are always a popular element presented in video games, and Halo 3 does not disappoint the alien-killer gamer at heart.
I think if I started playing this game from the beginning, the original Halo, I would be more interested in the game and also have learned which weapons are stronger, etc. etc. Halo 3 is a quality game but only for those who have played the previous ones.
This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 14th, 2008 at 23:42:03.
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[January 13, 2008 06:57:41 PM]
In Halo 3, the object of the first-person shooter game is to defeat the aliens that are trying to take over the planet. The player is one of the aliens who switched over to the good side because he realized that they were being misled . The game consists mostly of shooting aliens and trying not to get killed.
Halo 3 being the first first-person shooting game I’ve ever played, I would have to say it was quite difficult to understand. I had heard a lot about Halo, but I regret to say that for my first playing experience with it, I was very disappointed and it did not live up to my expectations of how engaged I would be in the game.
At first I was very frustrated because the sensitivity of the controller was very high and I would overestimate the movements of my character and end up turning too much. The object of the game was interesting enough, and the storyline was able to keep going throughout the period that I played. The characters in the game were visually complete and the interactions between my character and the other ones in the game were enhanced with the quality graphics.
The game was fun to play, but I think if I reconfigured the controller commands I would be able to better control my actions. The social interactions during the game were quite interesting as well: I played using the Xbox 360 Live feature, so I was able to play with my friend from Southern California. It was the first time I had used a video game to have live interactions while playing the game, which was a bonus. I also had bystanders while playing, and it was helpful because they were just as engaged in the game as I was.
I am sure that my second encounter with Halo 3 will be much better than the first, because now I know what to expect, but I don’t think that I could spend all day playing a game like this because all it is, is just point and shoot.
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galatasaraygirl's Halo 3 (360)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 12 January, 2008