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    calfun's EA Skate (360)

    [January 14, 2008 01:42:29 PM]
    Summary: EA Skate is a skating game, which introduces an innovative new flick-it system. This new system gives the player total control over the skaters body, thus giving this game a more authentic feel than any other skating game created.

    Gameplay: EA Skate is a very enjoyable. Though it may seem difficult to maneuver the skater during initial stages of play, after taking all the tutorials you will find that it really isn’t that difficult at all. The new flick-it system is skateboarding realism at it’s best. It gives the player total control which is key. Unlike previous skating games such as Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, EA Skate gives you a more authentic skating experience. You are no longer able to perform a 1080 with 1 feet of air. With that said, I would like to add that the physics of this game is amazing. The way a skater bails is exactly that of if you were to be hit by a car in real life. Although EA Skate is a 1-player game, there is the “party-play” option, which requires Xbox Live; I wasn’t able to try this out for the reason that I do not have Xbox Live yet.

    Gameplay: After the first hour of play, I find myself to be addicted. The overall objective of this game is to become a known professional skater, and even after you’ve done so – there is much to do. There are many competitions and objectives to go through. For example, there are best trick contests in which the highest scored trick wins each round. There are 3 rounds. In terms of the objectives, there are certain spots around the city, which you must “own the spot”, by performing a certain trick or jump over and score the amount of points set. For those who are familiar with the X-Games, I believe the X-Games is the final competition however I have no gotten so far so don’t quote my on that.

    Design: The “flick-it” system is probably the most innovative element in this video game. I have not played any other game, which uses this system, and I believe it to be the best thing that’s ever happened to a skateboarding game. The game takes place in a fictional city and is basically divided into 4 parts: The Suburbs (where you initially learn how to skate), The Res (residential area), Old Town and Downtown. I really like the design of the environment; it pretty much resembles a real city. There are pedestrians who walk around and knock you over every now and then, cars that run you off your skateboard every now and then and other skaters whom you can follow to find “spots.” One difficulty I faced was the cars and people who walk tend to get in your way a lot when you’re trying to “own the spot.” For example, there was a spot that I had to skate down a hill and gap a flight of stairs from one bank to another. While trying to do so, 40% of the time I either got hit by a car or a pedestrian tripped me. I got a bit frustrated over a period of time but I guess that’s what makes this game difficult.
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    calfun's EA Skate (360)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 14 January, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Wednesday 6 February, 2008

    calfun's opinion and rating for this game

    Very enjoyable.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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