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    lifeasjames's Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

    [January 15, 2008 02:21:34 AM]
    Gamelog #2

    Much of the same can be said for the next part of the game. Basic run and gun, full of headshots and treasure. Still never gets old, as the game has basically become a mission of how quickly I can dispatch a group of ganados or a boss.

    I am dangerously close to beating the game for the second time in four days, and yet as I get closer to the end I am more excited than ever. I actually am looking forward to playing it again, as the incentives are quite enticing. I have not played a one player game that has had such high replay since…well never. This is easily one of my top ten games.

    The most beautiful aspect of the game is the dreary, gloomy environment that you are dropped into. The mood is set with the environment, from the overcast village to the foreboding castle. But what separates the game from other shooters is the unique way the Wiimote is utilized. The simple point and shoot is refreshing and incredibly easy to handle, while with a flick of the wrist Leon slashes with a knife. But the actual highlight (for me at least) is shaking the Wiimote to reload your gun and hearing the satisfying cick of the new clip. The hardware is used to a different level than previous games.

    The flow of the game, though linear, really is set by an early tone and is kept throughout the play time. The player is guided by a world that is not to vast or expansive, yet there is enough wiggle room for explorers. Also, the hunt for treasure is a never-ending quest that always leads to a satisfying result. Though not to the extent of Mass Effect, there are various player interactions with cutscenes that keep you on your toes, unless you want your head squashed. The main challenge, for the first time was survival, yet the second time is sheer fun.

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    [January 14, 2008 10:31:08 PM]
    Gamelog #1

    Resident Evil 4 is a third person shooter that revolves around special agent Leon S. Kennedy and his plight to save the President’s daughter from a religious cult bent on taking over the world. The game leads you through various locales, and eventually Leon destroys the cult and succeeds in his mission.

    This is my second go round for Resident Evil 4, and the replay value is amazing. The fact I get to keep all of my items from the first time plus new, more powerful items makes this much more fun than the first time. The main character, Leon Kennedy, is quite possibly the coolest lead any game of recent memory, and the story is just as good as any other. Ashley, the president’s daughter, is just as annoying as ever, yet she is easily tolerated once the infinite rocket launcher was purchased.

    The first time playing the game, I was overly cautious with my actions, especially entering new areas and conserving ammo. But the second time through, it seems as if the reigns have been lifted as I gleefully plow through horde after horde of ganados (or zombies to those who have yet to play). There are not many more satisfying feelings than unloading endless rounds from an infinite rocket launcher upon unsuspecting ganados.

    This game flows very well, from character interaction with AI (though arguably bad voice acting from the president’s daughter) to the seamless reloading of your weapons. Resident Evil 4 is definitely a gaming experience, and I cannot wait to beat it again.
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    lifeasjames's Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 12 January, 2008

    lifeasjames's opinion and rating for this game

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