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    redwood_tree's Fifa 2007 (360)

    [January 24, 2008 04:49:36 PM]
    While playing Fifa for the second game play session, I was energized and still very interested in the game. The momentum was on my side for a few games which gave me the confidence to play as a team and pass the ball very well. The characters on my team this time were unfamiliar as I played with a team I did not know. They still had the defined characteristics of the players on my other team though. One of the games we played ended in the tie so we got to exercise our right to choose the overtime option we wanted. After playing through the classic and still no goals, we went to penalty kicks. This game was a lot different than the others which was a nice change in pace.
    The game play was a little bit slower this time around because I played someone that was not the same skill level as myself. I controlled the ball for most of the game and he did not have fun because of this. The game loses interest when you play someone below your skill level because they are very poor at passing and understanding the game. This is the only downside to the flow of the game that I found while playing Fifa.

    Fifa makes use of the space very well through the crowd, stadium, shadows, and signs. The stadium is always jam packed with people. The creators used this technique to fill up space around the game play area along with the stadium structure and video screens that show the same thing your television shows. On the actual field the grass has different patterns you can choose from to make the field look more visually enticing. The players take up most of the field area but the creators of the game also added shadows from the stadium at certain arenas such as Juventus' stadium.
    The cut scenes in the game actually hurt the game play more than they help it. Replays of fouls are almost never watched when playing the game but rather skipped through. The goal replays are never wanted to be watched by the opponent because they just got scored on. They just slow down the game in general and for the most part do not help in the narrative of the game. If a player really wants to replay something they can do it through the start menu.
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    [January 24, 2008 04:06:38 PM]
    Michael Rowell

    In Fifa 2007 the object of the game as in real soccer is to beat the opposing team. To do so, the player must score more goals than the other team. There are 11 players on each side team at the beginning of the game. If the game ends in a tie, you have the ability to choose classic, golden goal, or penalty kicks. Classic is a two half overtime period, while golden goal the first goal in overtime wins. All of the teams in the game are real teams with real players.

    The emotional state that Fifa put me in was an energetic state. While playing with others, I was able to get into the game because of the constant shift in possession of the ball. When I had the ball, I would have to relax in order to make precision passes and shots. The players on the teams look very realistic and look like the actual person. The players move as an actual soccer player would giving the game a very realistic feel to it. The manager mode has an addicting format and more options than before, but gets old after a few seasons of mostly the same thing. With every team, the story does not change giving a bit of repetition to the manager mode.

    A player can have more fun playing the game with friends than with the computer because the computer becomes very predictable after more playing. This Fifa is one of the first that made goal scoring easy. This makes goals more exciting and less frequent. The game kept me wanting to play more and more. If I won, I would want to keep going and if I lost I wanted a rematch. The fact that there is no stoppage in play keeps you constantly focused on the game. The competition keeps you constantly interacting the other players and the computer. The other players are always in motion through the playing field. The only thing that disrupts flow of the game is that sometimes your player will not run towards the ball.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 24th, 2008 at 16:07:12.

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    redwood_tree's Fifa 2007 (360)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 23 January, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 24 January, 2008

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