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    leisuresuite's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [January 26, 2008 01:33:31 AM]
    Soul Caliber III is a button-mashing fighting game. Your purpose in the game is to beat each new foe as you follow a specific story of the character you chose, all of which revolve around the main story of a special sword named "Soul Edge". As you defeat your opponents more of your story is revealed until you defeat the game.

    I went into this game with many high expectations, and happily, they were all met. Soul Caliber III is a very fast paced, very fun game. It brings together some of the best elements of different game styles such as, obviously, the mindless button mashing of fighting games, the ease and intuitiveness of platformer games, and the addictive fun of customization from RPG's.
    I can safely say that the controls in this game are VERY intuitive and easy to learn. I deliberately started the adventure mode without any knowledge of what button did what and half way through my first fight I was consistently pulling off some cool looking, and hard hitting, moves. That being said, it in no way implies that everything is easy to do; even after an hour of playing and having beaten the game, I was still accidently pulling off new moves I didn't know I had, up until the final battle. This type of gameplay is a great example of "easy to learn, hard to master".

    There is also a story for every character in the game, but the story seems almost like an afterthought. From what I gathered, it seemed as though the developers put stories in to appeal to those gamers who want a more "RPG" experience from the game. Which is totally fine, because along with putting in these stories, they also made it very easy to skip all the text and get right into the fighting. I liked this aspect of the game because it could make the game two different experiences in just one mode, depending on what mood you're in.There were also some less exciting, though still interesting parts of the game where the game would be telling you the stories and all of a sudden, it would ask you which path you would like to take. I thought that that was very interesting because it immediately reminded me of my last gameblog entry on Golden Axe 3, which had the same exact feature, yet Golden Axe is more then 2 decades older then Soul Caliber.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 26th, 2008 at 01:47:41.

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    leisuresuite's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 25 January, 2008

    leisuresuite's opinion and rating for this game

    Very fun and easily addicting

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    See leisuresuite's page

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