TimBot9000's Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
[January 26, 2008 12:49:55 AM]
Game only becomes more immersive with continued play. The story progression has the ability to pull the player in and hook them there until they reveal more of the story. It's also somewhat exhausting as you have to travel great distances on foot.
The work is overall very rewarding as more experience with the game just leads to more enjoyable playing. The game also has a tendency to build on it self and feel continually more expansive.
An RPG world that feels vaguely like an MMORPG world. It is an extremely large game world that seems to spring up left and right with side quests and extra missions. The battle system is one of the best I've ever seen. Characters interact with enemies in real time and within the current environment.
The license board brings in an element that resembles job class and tech tree systems. Each character can be emphasized to be stronger in some areas such as magic or techniques. They can even specialize in different weapons and equipment in order to compliment their strengths. A very detailed and customizable game experience.
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[January 26, 2008 12:35:50 AM]
Final Fantasy XII is an RPG with politically driven plot. The main objective is to overthrow the government of Archadia and reinstate the former monarchy. The game progresses as a typical RPG: as characters complete key events, solve puzzles, and defeat bosses.
This is a very immersive game. It is a very detailed and interactive world. The story is intriguing and complex. There are only six characters but they each have equally developed back stories.
The game world stetting and history is also very detailed. As the story progresses you learn more about the world and the political figures in it. It really locks you in the mindset that you are actively involved in what happens in the story.
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