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    Denn's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [January 26, 2008 03:30:30 AM]
    Gamelog #2


    In general I liked the single player mode (Tales of Souls) better than the strategy mode (Chronicles of the Sword). I know the game makers are trying to make the game more interesting by adding in additional elements from strategy games in. However since I’m more into rpgs, this didn’t really appeal to me that much.

    On a side note I noticed that the single player mode grew much harder later on. Overall the AIs seemed more competent than those from the second series. The ramped up AI resulted in that I couldn’t just simply button mash my way through the game (as I have so often done) but that I had to instead figure out combos and use them in concert with my blocking ability. Combat just seemed more tit-for-tat instead of Soul Calibur II’s massive single combo punch.


    Well first of off I would like to comment on the single player mode of “The Tales of Souls.” After playing through the storylines of several characters, I left with the impression that the makers of this game put a lot of effort into the storytelling in an effort to increase replay value. The player may choose a character from among all those offered, and most of all each character has a unique storyline. Additionally, during the game the player is often forced to make choices that will affect the continuation of the story. The characters also all have their own special fighting style as well as special moves. All of this results in that the player is forced to play again and again to squeeze out all the potential storyline of the different characters.

    Then there’s the other elements including the “Chronicles of the Sword,” as well as Soul Arena and World Competition. To me the Chronicles were just an attempt to draw in elements of strategy games into an rpg like world. It’s just wasn’t really into it compared to the rest of the game. I do like strategy-rpg hybrid games, and one that I really liked was Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders. Although KUF:TC had mediocre graphics, it did succeed in combining strategy with rpg- and that’s what I think the makers of Soul Calibur III were aiming for.

    In addition the game makers added a neat little twist to the in-game videos that players are forced to watch. Many players simply skip the videos in order to get to the fight faster. However the game makers made it so that an in game video has a direct impact on your character. For example someone might throw a blade at you, and then you have to press a certain button during the video to dodge it. If you don’t then you start out the next fight with damaged health. This didn’t affect me much since I was already interested in the storyline, but this will make other gamers pay more attention to the in game vids.
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    [January 26, 2008 02:50:25 AM]

    Soul Calibur III follows in the footsteps of it's predecessors as a fighting-rpg game mainly based around a storyline that once again involves the two swords, Soul Calibur and Soul Edge. The player picks a character and then follows along the character’s storyline defeating various enemies.


    Having played Soul Calibur II a lot, I was looking immensely forward to the third installment in the series. The game did not disappoint me. Well first of all I was just excited at playing the game since I was looking forward to a continuation of the storyline as well as seeing old characters again. I went ahead and picked a character and immediately started playing through the storyline. The new characters were a nice touch as well as the better animation effects during a fight.

    It was after a while that I noticed that there were in fact other ways to play this game. I was playing in the story mode of only a few characters when I could have been trying something else. One of the different ways to play Soul Calibur III was to play in the “Chronicles of the Sword" mode which seemed to me an attempt by the game makers to fuse elements of rpg and strategy games into a traditional fighting game.
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    Denn's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 24 January, 2008

    Denn's opinion and rating for this game

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