Treebeard's Papa Louie (Web)
[January 27, 2008 02:17:18 PM]
The website called www.miniclip.com has an impressive list of online games. They call themselves the largest online games website in the world. I didnt go as far as to verify the truth of this claim. However, the games they host were pretty impressive.
I decided to play the game called "Papa Louis". On a first glance, it seemed like a silly game. It is an RPG where there is pizza delivery guy and cheese monsters. The cheese monsters can be killed and they turn into pizzas! Wasn't quite sure if I wanted to play it. But curiosity got the better of me. And I wasn't disappointed.
It has been created by Flipline Studios in what seems to be the year 2006. The full title is "Papa Louis - When pizzas attack" !
GAME CREDITS: I think this was sort of overdone. Looked like they tried too hard to be different. It certainly was in the theme of the game but ... anyway, I'll leave it at that for you to judge. The Credits screen looks like a menu card. It reads:
Game design by the slice
Matt Neff $4.75
and Tony Solary $4.75
additional toppings $1.75 each
art, graphics, programming ...
You get the idea.
GAME INSTRUCTIONS: For an online game it has a very effective way of informing the user of the use of the various controls. It has like a wizard interface with next and previous keys and each screen has pictures of keys on the keyboard, and a two-line description of what it does. Whats really nice is that the main character is animated in these screens to show the user what exactly happens when the keys/combination of keys are pressed. The length of this tutorial also seems to be just right. Any longer and I would have lost interest.
It deviates from the standard instructions interface of most side scroller games by actually going the extra mile to make the user comfortable and interested. The user also gets a rough idea of what to expect. It cautions the user of possible enamies and how to neutralize them. I also feel, for an online game, the level of commitment is low. All one has to do is close the browser and so, with these features, this game does a good job of user retention.
Good graphics for an online game. A short video introduction (cut-scene) introduces the story which goes like free pizzas were being given out to residents of a place until the cheese in the pizzas turned to monsters and the cook gets teleported to the multigrain fields.
This is an instructional stage where the basics are taught. Pretty good for it actually constitutes the first level. One can collect coins which can be used to buy “Crushida pepper bombs”. These bombs can also be picked up in the level. The enemies are sandwiches and really grumpy looking onions.
Finally when all the cheese monsters are boxed up as pizzas, one has to collect them and use the weight of the pizza boxes to free caged prisoners. The pizza boxes are placed on a platform which serves as the cage release lever. Pretty elaborate training level and simple enough not to scare away the user.
Pretty good so far.
Gotta go now, more on this later.
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Treebeard's Papa Louie (Web)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Sunday 27 January, 2008
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