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    Kab II's Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC)

    [February 6, 2008 04:18:49 PM]
    ENTRY #2


    I spent too much of my last entry talking about the story of Super Monkey Ball which as I said, is pretty much just game filler. This type of game really isn't designed to have a coherent story. Also, because each level has the same basic design, in terms of what you must do anyways, it's hard to elaborate more on gameplay without discussing game design. So I decided to stop playing the main game for now and go on to the mini-games featured in SMB. Some of the mini-games are surprisingly innovative. The target practice mini-game is especially fun. In this mini-game you can open up the ball which the monkey is contained in and the two half spheres make a glider. But first you must direct the monkey down a ramp which propels the monkey in the air. Once the ball is airborne, you must choose when and where to open the ball (thus making the glider) and based on when you do this the monkey has a specific speed and gliding range. There are three targets per level and if you are able to perfect the ramp execution, you can make it to the final target for the maximum point score. However, if you loose to much speed the monkey will fall into water and you obtain no score. The target game also contains items which can help the player reach the desired target area such as magnets which allow the monkey not to roll on the target and thus it is easier to land on a bulls-eye. However obtain this item means sacrificing other points.

    All these details are described to give you a feel of the versatility of the mini-games. This is perhaps the main reason why SMB has a great replay value. It's fairly simple in its main game mode, but the obstacles and multiple features added to the game add depth to the playing value. Each mini-game contains the same type of formula: a simple game which various features which add depth and thus complexity to something otherwise fairly simple.


    The main game mode of Super Monkey Ball starts out with simple and easy levels in order for the player to get a good feel and understanding of the game's design. This is like tutorial modes in games but instead of making the tutorial separate, it is incorporated into the beginning stages of the game which seems to be an increasingly popular idea. Each level's objective is to direct the ball (with a monkey inside) through the finish line by avoiding various obstacles. The only control in the main game mode is the joystick which doesn't actually move the ball itself but actually moves the level which then in turn, directs the ball.

    Some of the features included in the main game mode include switches which can pause, speed up, or slow down obstacles in the level. These switches are only featured in specific levels. Obstacles include simple things such as holes in the ground or narrow paths you must navigate through however as the game advances, the obstacles become more and more difficult. For example, in one of the harder levels you must place the ball on a platform which shoots the ball up into the air and you must then quickly direct the level (remember you do not actually control the ball, you control the level) so the ball falls onto the correct platform.

    Levels are separated into series with each series ranging in difficulty. Each series of levels has its own theme such as underwater, in the jungle, or in outer space. However, the theme of the level is somewhat unimportant because it does not influence the gameplay, but rather, the game look.
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    [February 6, 2008 03:52:12 PM]

    Super Monkey Ball 2 has no real connection to Super Monkey Ball 1 in terms of a progressed story, so you can start out playing #2 without any confusion. The game is basically one of those old marble-maze games in which you must direct a ball through obstacles and finally through the finish line. Each level is timed and becomes progressively more difficult as you advance in the game. The game is called super monkey ball because a monkey is inside the ball you direct and the game has many monkey-type themes such as collecting banana's for extra lives.

    The game also features multiple mini-games such as baseball, bowling, pool, and target practice.


    I haven't played super monkey ball in a long time now but immediately I remembered the control style and main features of the game. What makes SMB so fun for people of all ages is the easily mastered controls. When playing the main game (not mini-games or challenge mode) the player doesn't even need to use buttons, the joystick is the only control needed. It may sound like such a simplistic game would lose its appeal in a short timeframe but the innovative level designs and obstacles make the game surprisingly addictive.

    The story of the game is pretty absurd and irrelevant. However, due to the game's level design, it's not hard to understand why the writers didn't focus much on the story. Each level is a different maze and the only aspect that connects one level to another is the look of level. (The design is different, but the colors and backgrounds are the same for each level until you progress to the next series of levels, then they change colors and backgrounds until the next series and so on) With such a game design, a story for the game is somewhat unneeded but SMB has one anyway.

    The story goes that the monkey you play as must fight the evil Dr. BadMonkey who has destroyed the main monkey village. With each series of levels the story progresses but the main story aspect is you are constantly going through mazes in order to get to Dr. BadMonkey. Like I said, it's not Shakespeare.
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    Kab II's Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 6 February, 2008

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    1 : Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC) by Hamith (rating: 5)


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