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    calfun's Assassin's Creed (360)

    [February 6, 2008 06:16:03 PM]
    Oh, and don't expect any crazy-dramatic-epic ending. You'll only be disappointed ;)
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    [February 6, 2008 06:13:16 PM]
    Summary: “Assassin's Creed” is an Action/Adventure game set in Jerusalem, 1191 AD. The player assumes the role of the main character Altair, the goal of the game is to kill important figures assigned to you by your master.

    Game play: Wow, what can I say? The game play of “Assassin’s Creed” is absolutely amazing. Although the control scheme of “Assassin’s Creed” was pretty difficult to master, I eventually got past button-mashing fights. The combat system of “Assassin’s Creed,” in my opinion, can give you hours of entertainment. The player is able to perform a high profile kill – which makes the game, that much more epic, or a low profile kill which is a lot more subtle. The player is able to choose from 4 different weapons: your fist, the hidden short knife, throwing knives and the long sword. Throughout the game, you get assassination missions from your master. These missions are difficult as you must perform them in stealth and at times, you must travel long distances to get to the target(s). If I was able to change something about the game, I would add a bit more variety to the missions because after about 10 hours of play, the game will start to get repetitive (however, the game play makes up for this!). In addition to these “main” missions, there are many side quests to be accomplished. Thus, it can lead up to 60 hours of game play.

    Game play #2: The dialogue of Assassin’s Creed is, in my opinion, the game’s only weakness. There are no cut-scenes to the game, the entire story is told in-game. However, in order to progress in the game you must investigate and find clues. This process gets really dull and boring as the conversations you have tend to drag. On the positive side, freedom is a key aspect in Assassin’s Creed. The player is able to climb any building (that is possible to climb, in other words something you can step on), jump off any building, hide in haystacks, sit on any bench, and even blend in with a crowd – you have total control of how to escape or hide from guards from an assassination. This can also add to the level of difficult because the guards have the same amount of freedom as you – which means escaping the guards isn’t as easy as you think it is.

    As far as the story goes, you go back and forth in time trying to recover the memory of your ancestor. Yeah, this was puzzling to me as well – but it starts to make more sense as you get further into the game.

    Design: The design of Assassin’s Creed is up to par with the game play. You are able to travel to different cities, all of which consist of a highly detailed environment populated by many people of different types. The level of interactivity is remarkable, as the player interacts with the environment, the people around Altair will respond in logical and predictable ways. For example, if the player chose to climb a building, the people will crowd around him and comment on the unusual activity. The graphics are incredible; I love the “focused - out-of-focus” concept (you’ll understand if you play the game). I wouldn’t go as far as to say this game is perfect, but it’s pretty close.

    By the way, Altair is a BAMF.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Feb 6th, 2008 at 18:18:11.

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    calfun's Assassin's Creed (360)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 6 February, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Wednesday 6 February, 2008

    calfun's opinion and rating for this game

    Gameplay is excellent, however the storyline drags.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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