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    Junker's Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

    [February 8, 2008 07:36:58 PM]
    For the second time through the game, the feeling of it is really different.Once i got used to the controls of it all, everything really was simple. Head shots were easy and getting around quickly was no problem. The second zombie form thing(when you call a zombie there might be a parasite coming out of its head that makes it more difficult to kill) was easier to take care of once I began to experiment with the weapons I bought from the creepy merchant.I really wanted to be frightened by the game. It has elements of a horror game but doesn't deliver like its past games. I wanted zombie dogs bursting through doors right when I open it, I wanted to see a zombie on fire walking towards me, I wanted to see the infamous zombie called a "Licker" to be crawling everywhere, and i wanted me to feel very alone. The game has some glimpses of these but it really never quite gets there because its more about uses a machine gun to plow a way through to kill them all. It used to be shoot them to get down and then run by them. \

    The cut scenes of the game were probably my favorite part of it all. Introduced firstly in Resident Evil 3:Nemesis, cut scenes with actions in which the player can chose began to popular in Resident Evil. In RE4 the Wii version, you push certain buttons on the Wii mote or swing the Wii mote to do certain things like to dodge something or make something happen. It made it more fun to actually participate in the game's cut scene's rather than just watch.


    The over the shoulder view made it easier to see everything you needed to see rather than the fixed camera placement form the older games. The targeting system was probably the best they have ever done. I was really happy to aim with the Wii mote to shoot the zombies in the head. The zombies now drop items that could help you instead of walking into a room and examining shelves, bookcases, and cabinets for supplies. Zombies can now travel through more zones instead of just there one designated spots. Boss fights are fun to play because each one has unique elements in which you need to figure out how to defeat. For example the second boss fight you needed it to show the parasite so you could chop it down with your knife. The knife in the game is actually very useful. If your low on ammo, can just shoot a zombie in the head, watch flail a bit and then kick it in the head. It will fall and then began to swing the Wii mote to pull out your knife to cut him. The knifes auto lock on is very nice to have.
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    [February 8, 2008 07:20:49 PM]
    Resident Evil 4 is about a government worker Leon Kennedy ,who is also in Resident Evil 2, looking for the presidents daughter, Ashley. You play as Leon as he goes through a very 3rd world part of Spain. As you venture into the village in the beginning of the game, the locals seem to be acting like zombies. Going to each new part requires you to solve puzzles and to conserve your ammo because there are a lot of "things" that want to kill you.


    I have played past resident evils before and this is a completely different type and feel compared to the others. In the older versions of the game, it used to be a fixed camera somewhere in the room that could hide objects from the players sight. In this game, the camera is over the shoulder and the player can freely see everything that Leon is seeing. I preferred the older versions fixed camera becasue it made it look like an actual horror movie that you were playing. The new camera made it feel like it wasn't even a continuation of the series anymore.

    The feeling of the game was different and the pace of it as well. The games theme used to be survival horror, which meant you had to keep in mind of all your supplies. Now its action adventure were you can literally waste everything then get back by killing things. I didn't like that element because it didn't hinder my progress at all. I could just throw a grenade, kill all of the zombies, and loot of there dead corpses. In the older versions, I had to find all the ammo and conserve because once I used it, that's it. No more ammo for me, better conserve.
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    Junker's Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 8 February, 2008

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