Onehandtoucher's Age of Empires (PC)
[February 9, 2008 04:50:47 PM]
The second time i sat down to play my roommate noticed and mentioned he used to love the game. We decided to try out the multi player and fight each other. this turned out to be awesome. Not only was it the same fun game, but I was fighting my roommate. We did a lot of smack talking which added to the excitement and it was overall very fun. I ended up beating him quite badly three or four times which probably made it even more fun for me aside from the fact that he wont play me until he practices more. We played the large islands map where each team was on its own island to start. I found that the best initial attack was as many ships as I could and wipe out everything within range. This meant I needed tons of wood so I had almost all my villagers collecting wood. After sending in about 15 ships I made sure I had some transport boats full of elephants ready to be sent over to destroy what was left. This proved very affective. Another strategy I used was to upgrade as much as possible before actually building anything. The only downside to this was that I was left vulnerable to attack for some time without much defense. The solution to this was watch towers and tons of them. These gems took a while to build but with enough were virtually impenetrable.
The design of this game was really quite good. It forced me to develop strategies to take out the enemy and protect myself. I did find it a bit frustrating once everything had been upgraded to max. I wish things had the ability to continue to get better. Unfortunately this is not reasonable. Another thing that would have been nice would be to have resources replenish over time. Once you are out, you are simply out. It would be nice to have trees regrow and gold to form over time. Overall though the game was very fun and kept me engaged for quite some time. Although not flawless it is one of the better games i have played.
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[February 9, 2008 04:38:03 PM]
Age of Empires is a real time strategy guide. You must collect resources (wood, gold, food, and stone) in order to build things. Villagers collect these things. Buildings, as well as combat units can be built. The combat units include: catapults, chariots, watch towers, etc. These units perform as well as you have upgraded them to. Resources must be used to upgrade units. The object of the game is to conquer another civilization similar to yours.
I have always been a fan of real time strategy games (Red Alert, age of empires 2) so i decided to play the original AoE. It was indeed very simple but proved to be quite a lot of fun. I quickly mastered the game using my skills from AoE2. I found myself advancing rather quickly to the iron age and having a much higher score than my opponents. One thing that became very frustrating was that no matter how much better than the other civilizations I was it still took forever to destroy them. I found that catapults destroyed buildings the best but the were easily destroyed by the enemy. My solution was to get a ton of archers to protect the catapults. This was a very successful technique. After a while it appeared that this strategy worked very well. The next problem i ran into was running out of resources. Not only was I out of gold but there was no gold left on the map to be mined. This posed a problem since most everything takes gold to build. The solution was ships. Ships only take wood to build and i have yet to use all of a maps wood. Forests are everywhere. This worked really well aside from the buildings that were to far from the shore for ships to reach. Lastly, I brought in everything I had and just cleaned up. Priests worked really well to convert things to mine also. This whole thing took a surprising amount of time. I ended up playing for more than 4 hours before being done. Time flew and it was kind of embarrassing how much time i spent playing the game
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Onehandtoucher's Age of Empires (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 9 February, 2008