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    animan09's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [February 19, 2008 11:09:36 PM]
    The second time I played by myself and it was still just as fun as it was when I played with my friend. The computers were challenging in the later stages of the game but it wasn't too hard overall.

    Every level looks different from the others but they all have the same underlying principle, with the exception of one. They are all small spaces in which you can move in any direction. If you go over the edge you will get a ring out, giving the other player a point for the round. The one level that is an exception is built like a cage so you can't get knocked out of the ring.

    The challenges lie within the enemies you face. As you advance through your journey you encounter stronger enemies along the way. Something that I found interesting is the ability to choose different paths for each character. If you make the right selections and you don't die along the way you can fight the true final boss, someone much harder than the normal enemy. This is where the real challenge is.

    The reward structure of this game is fairly unique because there is so much you can earn. Beating the game with one character unlocks another character and the cycle goes on. You can unlock new costumes for your custom characters or you can purchase them in the store. You can also unlock new levels, challenge modes, weapons, and even more. My favorite part happens to be the many pictures you can unlock because they look so nice. There is so much to unlock that I still haven't finished the game.

    Overall I'd say this game is a big hit and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good fighting game.
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    [February 19, 2008 04:56:08 PM]
    Although this is a fighting game it does have a pretty intricate story.
    You choose one out of many characters and embark on a quest for the "Soul Edge". Each story differs based on the character you use but it always ends the same way with a final showdown with Nightmare and Abyss afterwards.

    The social interaction of this game is outstanding since it is a fighting game. I played with my friend and we had a great time even though he lost most of the time. Regardless of that, we had a lot of fun playing because the game isn't overly complicated, similar to Virtua Fighter 5.There aren't strings of combos to remember and the special attacks seem almost trivial.

    The array of characters the game offers is one of the biggest that I have ever seen in a fighting. It contains the characters from the previous two games as well as quite a few new characters. The fact that you can create your own characters makes the game even better.

    The custom character creation is perhaps the best feature because not only can you make and fight with custom characters, but you can also earn and buy new costumes for them. Along with that, they can use a wide range of weapons that the normal characters don't have.

    Another one of my favorite parts is the Chronicles of the Sword. You create your character(s) and take part in a siege. It looks like an RPG combined with a fighting and you can earn new characters later. Overall, I feel that this is an outstanding game and one of the better fighting games on the market.
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    animan09's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 19 February, 2008

    animan09's opinion and rating for this game

    Great fighting elements.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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