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    Jenifer's The Sims 2 (PS2)

    [October 13, 2006 09:37:34 AM]
    So in my final try at Sims (probably not final) I cheated. I didn't
    start in the beginning, but rather took the controller from my
    boyfriend's hand after he already had a bunch of stuff set up. This
    made things alot easier for me. I got to explore something different
    from the first house, I got to see another house! Actually this time I
    did find a job. That was kind of cool because I had something to do
    other then the bare necessities of life! I also learned to multi-task so
    my character could get a couple of things done at the same time. During
    this round I was able to interact with alot more people and things. I
    had to call a repair girl to fix my oven before it caught the house on
    fire. I had more people wandering through the house, and I could
    actually catch a ride to work and back to the original house. I liked
    the fact that I wasn't stuck in one place. I really liked this game and
    realized that the better you get, the more freedom you have. When you
    get a job and get more moeny and so forth, your character becomes more
    real. They have more things to handle, more responsiblities, and also
    more freedom.
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    [October 12, 2006 09:16:46 PM]
    So on my second try at Sims I promised myself not to spend so much time on the way my avatar looked and that did not happen. I just can't help playing messing with the outfits and makeup. That is the fun part for me! When I realized I was doing it again I decided to move on with the game. So this time my character was alot more needy of attention and love especially. I had to keep giving her a shower because she was always stinky and that stopped people from wanting to talk to her. I ended up making out with a chick and a dude. I ended up marrying the girl and was able to switch from my main character to her. I had no idea you could do that up until that point. I recieved alot of points for my interaction with people and was able to buy some food. It was hard to do anything in the game because my character was constantly in need of something. She always stank, always had to use the bathroom, always hungry, and never had enough sleep. I knew how to do alot more this time around, but still did not get out of the house, as in I wasn't able to get anywhere and I didn't get a job yet. My character seems more like a child to me rather then me being in their shoes. It reminds me of one of those little tamagachi pets I use to have when I was in elementary school. It has been fun playing the game though. It has been a sort of event for me and my boyfriend. Of course I play for a good half an hour and then go to my room and write in my gameLog while he continues to play for the rest of the night! I like to watch him play because he's a little more advanced then me. His character actually has a job and is doing some more interesting things. The goal for my next time around is to get a job and leave the house. I feel very confined to the house and it makes my interest in the game less animated. I would like to explore the space more freely. In all, the game is pretty amusing and I like the music. I can't really tell if they are in english or not. I'm pretty sure its not, but it sounds soo familiar.
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    [October 11, 2006 10:20:26 PM]
    So... I'm not a gamer, but I began playing Sims today and it was so much fun. I enjoyed playing this game because you get to make the character look and act like you. I probably spent thirty minutes changing my avatars clothes and trying to make her look just like me. That was about the only think I was good at doing. I'm still horrible at moving anything around with a joy stick so my character always walked around kind of stupid. Playing in the story mode was helpful. It gave me tips every second on what I was suppose to be doing. If it didn't tell me that I needed to take a shower, I would probably get bored because I had no motivation to do anything else. I tried to walk around the neighborhood but my character couldn't go very far. Taking a shower and jumping on the trampoline was about as far as I got in collecting points. When I went to socialize with another girl, I accidentally slapped her with a fish. How that happened, I'm not sure! That pretty much ruined my friendship with her. I didn't really like the way the guy in my house looked so I didn't bother socializing with him. Then my dog tripped on the power cord to my PS2 and I lost the game. So then I started over and spent another thirty minutes playing with the clothes and way my avatar looked. I liked seeing what different random avatar would come up. I didn't spend so much time on the looks of my character this time because I wanted to explore the environment a little more. However, I still didn't really know what to do. I tried to leave the place and get on the bus, but it never came I didn't have enough points. I'm really bad at video games so it would probably take me a very long time to be able to acheive anything substantial. So I did what I already knew how to do: I took a shower and jumped on the trampoline. I have to say, I liked jumping on the trampoline. My controller creates a vibration that kind of makes it feel like you are really on a trampoline. This time when I talked to the girl "Felicity" I didn't slap her in the face with a fish. I actually made her my friend, but then I left. She kept dancing so I thought she was kind of weird. So I decided to go ahead and talk to the guy in the house, but I didn't want to leave the girl out. I'm not sure how to talk to two people at once yet. I spent a little longer then I thought I would playing the game today, so I decided to call it quits. Tomorrow's another day!
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    Jenifer's The Sims 2 (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 11 October, 2006

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