gamemaster's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
[February 20, 2008 06:12:19 PM]
Entry #1
“Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” is an action filled game in which the main character kills and steals in order to win back what he feels has been taken from him. Just getting out of jail the main character, Tommy Vercetti, is running from cops, murdering bystanders and stealing vehicles throughout the city of Miami, Florida.
Game play:
When I began playing “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” it was difficult and confusing to say the least. Getting used to using the different buttons to create distinct actions was hard to master, so I focused my first forty-five minute session on just doing simple actions such as stealing a car or motorcycle or hitting and beating up strangers. While it is fun and interesting to cruise around the city of Miami (seeing sites and beaches that actually reside in Miami) I have never played a game in which the goals are so violent and mean-spirited. Although I thought that watching myself (through the character of Tommy) beating up prostitutes would depress me and bring me no joy, I found myself getting excited and enthusiastic every time I found a new weapon or stole a new car. With a group of people surrounding me I was able to work through the game and not feel sad or guilty about the images I was seeing. It made me reconsider my critical outlook on games like “Vice City.”
I used to think that violent games were unnecessary and even harmful for children (also teenagers and adults). However after playing my first round I came to realize that the killing and stealing do not really affect me and that it is not far different than any other game that has activities and a goal. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of the violent “Grand Theft Auto” I got interested and became excited when to find more victims or vehicles – whether or not that is a positive thing is beyond me.
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gamemaster's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 20 February, 2008