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    EvrythNuthin's Super Mario Bros. All Stars (SNES)

    [February 20, 2008 07:01:56 PM]
    Game: Super Mario Bros. All Stars
    Class: CMPS 80k
    Time: 2:00-3:00

    Super Mario All-Stars is a collection of the early Mario games which include: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario Bros. 3.


    My emotional state going into the game was very nostalgic; I had not really played any of the older Mario games in a long while, and was looking forward to looking at the games in a new way. All of my playing has been divided up between the three main Mario tittles, this has mainly to do with the fact that I was in the process of writing a paper about the three. The positive to playing all three at the same time gave me the chance to look at all the similarities and differences between the 3 titles. Each of the three have their own distinguishing characteristics that make them stand out.

    A major similarity between the 3 games is the fact that each game has the same characters within them. I find this interesting because in today’s age of video games that would be somewhat unheard of, depending on the series, but in many popular games of recent (Halo 3, and COD 4) some of the characters die, that is not something that occurs within the stories of the Mario games. That however could be greatly due to the fact that death is just not usually a topic dealt with at Nintendo, especially when it comes to a franchise such as Mario. But even minor characters, such as Toad, and many of Bowser’s children consistently appear throughout the series of games.

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    EvrythNuthin's Super Mario Bros. All Stars (SNES)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 19 February, 2008

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    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Super Mario Bros. All Stars (SNES) by asanori (rating: 5)
    2 : Super Mario Bros. All Stars (SNES) by Mmalnox (rating: 4)


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