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    Gunther's NFL Blitz 2000 (DC)

    [February 21, 2008 12:21:24 AM]

    NFL Blitz is a football game like no other. It is a third person football game in which the camera will only change on turnovers or completed catches (in which the camera relocates behind whoever has the bal). I can see why the die hard Blitz fans love this game. Unlike other simulation football games, Blitz 2000 takes a furious fast paced approach to the beloved sports. With averaging 3x as many funbles and interceptions as other football games, it is much more running and gunning than strategy or play calling. This adds to its arcade roots.


    While playing Blitz 2000 I found it hard not to get caught up in the hurry that is the game. While playing single player, the game seemed alive. With multitple fumbles in critical situation i would have sworn the game were against me (if i didn't know better). The characters are fairly generic with the change in name and uniform being the main destinction between players. The sotry of the game is the same as all footbal games... Win that Superbowl, while i have yet to do that, i have thoughly enjoyed my chace for the Lombardi Trophy.

    While being subjective, i would like to say that atleast to me this is better than any footbal game ive played before....Including the Madden saga. The game always remained interesting, i only had one game that was won or lost over 12 points. The closeness of all the games adds to the increasing buy in of interactivity. During this first hour of gameplay I played solo and had no interaction with anyone besides a television screen that payed no heed to my insults and praises. The flow was all but overwhelming, I found myself getting more excited playing a computer than any multiplayer games online. The transitions of passing and trying to get on "fire" were flawless. By far the fastest hour of video games ive played in awhile.


    First i would like to start by saying that by playing this game against a friend of mine for the second hour opened a whole new aspect of Blitz. We both went back to sixth grade. Screaming at eachother, blaming the game, trying to find out if the other cheated! We were at war over a football game. The primative (atleast to us) graphics and simple gameplay did not stop us from being over zelous for victory. While we mostly played against one another we stumbled upon a unique aspect of Blitz. Different Minigames make for even more head to head competition. Defensive Stop was one of our favorits, but nothing can take away from playing a full Blitz game. The twists and turns that happen when you play a full game are unbelievable.

    The flow of two player games is far surpassing that of single player. Trying to obtain advantages such as "fire" (faster passes and harder to tackle) and onside kicks, can relate to future fumbles and or interceptions. So utilizing these various variables creates more tension between what used to be friends. For while playing a game of Blitz, all ties are subdued for the fast paced chase for victory.


    One of my favorite innovative elements of this game is the ability to become "on fire". On offence, this can be attained by completing three passes to the same reciever, and on defensive by getting three sacks in arow. Another element is the lack of all "usual" football rules. While offsides is impossible, such things as Late Hits, or Pass interference are all in the rules and create an original feel to the game.

    The levels vary in only the slightest degree. With the only difference being the color of the field (for change of weather) and the endzone writing (different depending on what teams are playing) these are hardly noticed among the excitement generated when a new game starts. The only thing I would say could improve, would be the sound track, but that is to be expected for this consoles generation.

    The game is aable to keep me interested in the fact that the gameplay is all that is needed. The lack of graphic distribution and interesting older music is only a minor setback to the unique style of football that this game offers. The games main point of conflict is pitting up friend against friend and turning them, just for a moment, into enemys. By being a football game, the use of space is straight forward. The use of turbo to speed up or slow down players is an interesting aspect, but for the most part, the spacing is always the same until you reach the endzone. I really wouldnt change anything about this game, it is truly a classic game. This game really can't help me with my game, but it is damn fun. The main emergent elements of this game are due to the all too occasional fumbles and interceptions. The only reward I found suitable for continual persuit was trying to beat my buddies.

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    Gunther's NFL Blitz 2000 (DC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 20 June, 2001

    Gunther's opinion and rating for this game

    Greatest Arcade Football game quite possibly ever invented

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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