CurtisGordon's Goldeneye 007 (N64)
[February 21, 2008 12:17:09 AM]
goldeneye 2 007
In golden eye you don't really have any type of communication with the other players except to shoot/stab them and kill them. besides the npc armies that you mow down in single player and your ocational ally you meet on your adventure you don't have another interactions with anything.
the cut scenes and characters do a fairly good job at emotionally connecting the player with the game. from the evil soviets to their generals. The enimies all have faces giving more of an emotional connection to everyone your kill. the cut scenes are mirrors of scenes from the golden eye movie.
This game would have been a hit no matter how good or bad the game was designed because of the association with the movie series. its fourtante for us that the game is great. The controls for the time were really good taking use of the joystick on the nintendo controller. the game also has really good npcs for the time makeing the campigan intresting.
The game not related at all to my game gives me some ideas to incorerate into the game. such as a intresting story line that makes the gameplay inviting. I am also going to use idea of having power ups randomly spawn in set intervils.
the game does get repetitive tho, because you will notice that the game levels are somewhate simular and point and shoot the entire time. this makes the game not very deep and player does not have to devote much time to lean from the experiance of golden eye 007. but who cares casue the game rocks
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[February 20, 2008 11:55:07 PM]
Goldeneye 007
Golden eye is a fist person shooter releasted for the nitendo 64. you are James bond an agent working for the and you can either battle your freinds in multilayer being able pick your avatar from a choice of 007 classics. while in single player your campaign kinda mirrors that of golden eye the movie.
your job is to complete objectives that are given (get to point, disable alarm, kill this guy, etc...)
Game play
playing the game was just like it was when it came out all of those years ago. while playing the game is was hard to enter the magic circle, because of the controller is like left right up down and the auto shooting/targeting, and the slower processing of the N64.
But once i picked up the controls again the game play got much smoother I felt like i did when i first played the game when it first came out. I was emersed into the game, with the blockbuster media connection who would not want to play golden eye. what made the game flow well is the constant action and the game is not to difficult to play. Their is something satisfying about mowing down hundreds of faceless solders.
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