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    Bokens's mario 64 (N64)

    [February 21, 2008 02:11:04 AM]
    Super Mario 64 is a 3D platform game in which the player much control Mario through each level and collect each star. There are no time limits and the player can explore each of the level in many different ways. There are a few cap power ups that Mario can collect as well as a large varienty of jumping and attacking actions that Mario can perform.
    One of the many design elements that make this game great are the controls. As with many of the games in the Mario series, they give the player controls that are smooth and feel natural. This game also features the ability to rotate and zoom the camera at will, which is a great improvement over the 3D games that had been made before this. The analog control stick allows the player to have perfect control over Mario's speed and offers a very natural feeling. The goal of the game, to collect the stars, is well defined and the levels each offer unique and exciting experiences over all the others. Many of the goals of the game are shown to the player early so that they can create a plan in their mind for how to achive them.
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    [February 21, 2008 01:57:39 AM]
    Super Mario 64 is the first 3D game of the Mario series, and it formed the style that 3D games would be made in the future in much the same way that the original mario formed the style for 2D games.
    The gameplay of Super Mario 64 revolves around manuvering mario around through the levels and jumping across platforms. it gives the player control of the camera independant of the characters position. The world is immense and allow the player to do a lot of exploration, since there are often many ways to get to any given point in a level. It also keeps much of the gameplay elements of the previous Mario games.
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    Bokens's mario 64 (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 21 February, 2008

    Bokens's opinion and rating for this game

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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