b-rabbit's Soul Calibur III (PS2)
[February 21, 2008 02:31:26 AM]
This time when I played, i played through the Chronicles. The Chronicals is the conquest like mode that enables you to play like a RTS style game. It was fun to play the chronical mode. It was different and it was something knew that Soul Calibur III brought to fighting games. I liked the fact how i leveled up the characters as the more enemies that I killed. And as I progressed along the game, I saw how the game got more challenging, and it pissed me off sometimes. I would take hours to beat one of those single conquests.
The Chronical mode was so much different and it was fun. Since I could create multiple characters, I was able to play along with my friend. Infact, I made myself and my friend as one of the characters. So when our character walked along to go destroy a tower and fight someone, we would switch off and play as ourselves in the game.
The design of the game was pretty good. I liked how the movements of the characters where so fluid in chaining the attacks which made it near impossible to guess which direction the attack was going to come from. Which then made it nearly impossible to block as well. Other than that, I liked how the game had a eight direction movement system that you can use to evade or walk aorund the arena.
The challenges that this game expressed were really tough. One way that the game made complications was that they made the arena that you played on have a limited amount of space to walk around. That meant that it was easy for your character to get ringed out and lose the match. Another way that this game made complications was by adding effects to the arena that helped the opponent win, which decreased your odds of winning. For instance, the arena could have poison, which made you loose health gradually. Or the thoughest effect that i found was hard to beat was called "DOWN LOSE". This meant that when your character fell to the ground, you explaode and automatically lose the fight. And on top of that, they used an extremely tough opponent which most of his attacks made you fall to the ground which resulted in losing the match and dieing. However, I finally found out that it worked on the opponent also so even though it took me about 50 tries, I finally downed the opponent and killed him.
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[February 21, 2008 02:17:02 AM]
Soul Calibur III is a fighting game. You can play one player through an Arcade like mode, which tells a specific story for your character. So depending on your character that you choose, it is a different story line. There is also a new conquest like mode where you are able to create characters and you fight other computer controlled characters through as like a RTS style. It also has the typical multiplayer system where you fight other players and the object of the game is to just fight and kill the other opponent before they kill you.
The first time that I played, I played through different characters in the arcade mode. I found out that its really hard to block in this game. The attacks are so fluid, and it makes it hard to predict where the attacks are coming from, so you nearly always get hit from attacks.
Each character has its own special moves and moves and attacks differently than the other characters. I found it hard to find the right moves and combos to use with some of the characters, so i basically just found one attack and kept pressing it multiple times. I was pretty frustrated while playing this game. Every time the opponent kept on killing me so fast that i couldn;t do anything. So I got really mad. However, the more I played it, the more i saw how to play and use the characters by just watching how the computer used those characters when they fought me.
I liked how each character was a little different, but it was confusing for me because each character had to look for the soul blade. But every character knew how to use a weapon skillfully. So that didn't really match up for me, it seemed a little awkward that everyone that knew about the soul blade were skilled fighters.
I liked it when I played against other people that I knew. It made the game more fun and more interesting to play because interacting with other people during the game made it so much fun. It is like any other fighting game, its fun to kill your friend in a game. It made it more interesiting also because the competition between an actual human other than an a.i. is always better because you can trash talk and do whatever comes to mind unlike when you fight the computer.
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b-rabbit's Soul Calibur III (PS2)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 21 February, 2008