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    sexypants's Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

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    sexypants's Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 10 October, 2006

    sexypants's opinion and rating for this game

    My first critical look into Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. To begin with, the character creation tool is very detailed. There are a number of races to choose from. Today, I chose the Khajiit, a cat-like race, for my main character. After choosing a race, you can morph the physical features and color of your character. This is the physical look to your character, but these options do not complete your character. After creating the look of my character, I start the game in a dungeon, where I patiently await the king (voiced by Patrick Stuart) to arrive at my cell. While you wait you are able to interact with the environment. Chains hanging on walls rattle as I move into them, bones are moved as I toss them about my cell, and people try to talk to me from outside of the room. When the king arrives, the guards tell me to stand beside the window. The guards keep yelling at me until I comply. The king gives me his story before we head out through a secret passageway. As the king speaks, I am given options to respond back with, similar to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. From a cosmetic perspective, though not perfect. the game looks gorgeous. Even though the interaction with the king is detailed and sensitive to my responses, the face morphing looks a little bit off. I cannot place too much fault on the model manipulations, especially since the king reacts to my comments not only in dialog, but in facial expressions as well. The king can smile and frown not only with his mouth, but even with his eyes. After our discussion we head off into the dungeon... More next time...

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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