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    vincent89simi's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [February 21, 2008 02:27:09 AM]
    Second Entry


    For the second 45 minutes, I played in the World Competition in a single player mode. In this, I could enter various tournaments and aim to become the best fighter in the world. I joined the tournament and my goal was to win 12 consecutive tournaments. I played as Taki, a fictional Japanese figher. Unlike the battles in the storyline one, in the battles in the tournament, I had to beat one character three times in order to advance to next round. But most of the battles were similar and I got easily bored.

    I also played in the league. In the league, there were 8 characters. You played each 7 other players. But it also got boring because all the games were very similar.

    I think there are some good parts and bad parts. It was very exciting in the beginning. I liked the part where I could choose my own weapons. And everyone had different style of fighting skills.

    The part that I didn't like about this game was that every battle is very similiar. After over few dozens of battles, I got easily bored. And it was really hard to attack in the beginning. It would have been much better, if it had some sort of tutorial that teaches combonations of attack. It was really hard to block too, because in the most of games, you just block by pressing back buttom, but in this game there was another button. My general opinion about this game was that it should have made many other features, because most of battles were very similar and it became really boring easily.
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    [February 21, 2008 02:16:06 AM]
    First Entry


    Soul Calibur III is a fighting game. It is one of the Soul series of fighting games made by Namco. Players must kill other character or push him/her out of the ring in order to win the battle. The storyline revolves around the evil sword Soul Edge.


    This was the first time I've every played the Soul series, but it was a lot like Tekken series, which I am a big fan of, because both were made by Namco. In my first 45 minutes, I played the Tales of Souls in a single mode. In the Tales of Soul, players could play through each character's unique story. I played as Yun-Seong. When I selected him, then I could select a weapon. He was a fictional Korean character. He was searching for the Sword of Salvation which was also rumored to be a cursed sword. Then he met a boy who told him about the cursed sword which is the Soul Edge and decided to look for it.

    Then you get to fight with other characters. The battle is 1vs1. I had to either beat down your opponent or push him/her out of the ring. First few characters that I fought were easy. That it became harder and harder. Everytime I beat an opponent, It tells you another story. I could punch, kick, attack with a weapon of your choice, or grab you opponent.
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    vincent89simi's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 21 February, 2008

    vincent89simi's opinion and rating for this game

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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