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    twa55555's Assassin's Creed (360)

    [March 3, 2008 02:49:23 AM]
    Game play
    I like this game for a couple reasons but due to some others I believe that the game did not reach its greatest potential. I like the freedom one had to explore the game world as well as ability to climb up any thing. I also like the fighting options and videos shown associated with specific fatal hits. I also like the videos and embedded narrative, which kept me playing for more.
    The aspects of this game which I didn’t like where the seemingly similar individual tasks of finding view points, stealing info on suspect, and saving citizens who are being attacked by guards. They are always different fights with different people but the scenarios are the same. Also during fights there are specific moves one can do and freedom is somewhat lost. The lack of freedom to create character due to narrative sequences and actions done in game are not aligned. For example you are an assassin gaining his honor back and are told not to kill civilians and at one point say he knows that is wrong. One can still go and kill civilians during game play and only fight off other guards who see. This means the character you are doesn’t affect the character in the game and take away from feeling of affect on game world.
    The level design is some of what make this game so astatically pleasing. The levels one ride through going in-between citied is incredibly detailed in natural setting. The cities are also great because of the detail in background and ability to climb extremely high objects. The cities are the different levels and are all different but extremely detailed as well. This game does a great job of creating great visual levels and backgrounds.
    The conflict created within this game is created out of the very nature of your missions. You must beat up, and kill some people in order to get info on which you are after to assassin. Your targets are all leaders of cities and have guards placed throughout the cities you are in. They go after you when you kill an innocent character, or kill a guard. One of your mission is to save a civilian deign harassed by guards and the conflict is killing the guards.
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    [February 27, 2008 04:20:29 AM]
    Assassin’s creed is a one-player narrative where it is the player’s duty to finish quests given in order to unlock videos of narrative. The objective on the small scale is to kill various people as quietly as you can and blend in with the people as much as possible. There are three main things done within any city of the game, first gain viewpoint, pit pocket information, and use physical force to gather info, and kill a boss and unlock a movie.
    Game Play
    I played this game for about a week ad at first I liked its seeming free movement around the city. First you are ably to walk or climb anywhere in a city, along with the freedom to destroy anyone within the city. This aspect reminded me of grand theft auto with houses, swords and throwing knives. This awe aspect of the game and how free I actually was to navigate the landscape lasted a couple of hours.
    The narrative process of the game is another aspect of the game, which is very interesting and motivates a player to do any tasks at all. The clips are pretty cool and often can have dual viewpoints one can choose from. When a major boss is killed he confesses information to the player, which helps the player gather information on the larger picture at hand. There is also a mixture of future and past clips shown to the player which each get unlocked as the game progresses.
    The routine aspect of the game was the common objectives at each city. These objectives of gathering information on your victim and killing them were fundamentally the same each time. Although the dress up of the game was different the things the player was asked to do in order to unlock new narrative became very routine.
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    twa55555's Assassin's Creed (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 27 February, 2008

    twa55555's opinion and rating for this game

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