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    Jpiz's Skate (PS3)

    [March 3, 2008 12:06:34 AM]
    LOG 2

    The second time I played the game, I had just as much fun as I did the first time I played it. The control scheme is very innovative, with the left control stick moving the skater around and controlling spins (180s, etc.) while the right control stick controls the tricks. The player holds the stick down, allowing the skater to crouch, and then flicking it in a certain direction, letting the skater pull a certain trick. The unique flicking control scheme is very much like real skating, where skaters crouch and then flick their feet to pull a certain trick.

    Just like real skating, you have to learn the tricks. In the game, the player has to learn which way to flick the control stick. There are more complex movements for more complicated tricks. My experienced flowed really smoothly when I played the game because of the amount of freedom I had. I could do anything that I wanted, whether is was trying to make a name for myself in the skate industry by completing the missions, or just skating around for fun.

    I think this game is very innovative because it stays true to skateboarding. The control scheme is true to skateboarding by making it similar to the way people flick their feet. However, instead of flicking their feet, the players flick their fingers a certain direction to pull a certain trick. Just like real skating, the game requires practice to get certain tricks down. This is also the first skateboarding game to incorporate a huge level with no load times into the game. This is very similar to GTA: San Andreas, allowing the player to explore the vast gameworld with ease. This adds to the experience by allowing the player to skate around the city and to find spots much like in real life.

    There is only one level that has many sections. There is downtown, the suburbs, the res, and old town. Each section of the city is very varied and has unique architecture and spots found only in that part of the city. The game uses space very well, making all objects skateable and every ledge and rail grindable. There is no corner of the city wasted by allowing every obstacle to be skateable.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Mar 3rd, 2008 at 00:07:03.

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    [March 2, 2008 11:46:37 PM]
    LOG 1

    The game "Skate" is about a skater who recently moved to the fictional city of San Vanelona to make a name for himself in the skate industry. The object of the game is to increasingly get the skater more coverage by filming for video parts and taking pictures.

    My emotional state while playing this game was very happy. I was happy because this game is everything I look for while playing a skateboarding game. I began straying away from the Tony Hawk series because of how unrealistic and cartoony they have become. Skate is for a more mature audience, being more realistic and having more professional looking graphics. The characters in the game are real professional skateboarders that are put into the game to help you make it to the top. The main character is completely customizable.

    The player has a lot of freedom while playing the game. Everything is customizable from the player to every component of the skateboard. The player can do missions, or they can freely skate around the city. The game was very fun to play because of the immense replay value. The reason I enjoy playing the game because it is very much like real skateboarding. You can skate all kinds of obstacles and do an infinite amount of tricks on all of them. When I have a new idea or a perspective on how to skate a spot, I try it in the game. The unique architecture in the game allows the player to be creative and to think about new innovative ways on how to skate a spot.

    This game is chock-full of social interaction. There is a multiplayer mode, where you can take turns trying to get the most points at a certain spot. If I fell in a crazy way or landed an insane trick, my friends would react. When I played this game, I was talking to my friends the whole time about new tricks to try or new spots to skate.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Mar 3rd, 2008 at 00:07:27.

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    Jpiz's Skate (PS3)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 2 March, 2008

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