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    dtdrama's WarioWare (Wii)

    [March 6, 2008 02:30:35 AM]

    This game is amazing! I am having a such blast at completing these tasks that I have completed the story mode! What's neat about this is now I can play multiplayer. I got my friends to come and play with me and it was a blast. We would take turns passing around the controller. It kind of felt like we were playing hot potato. It took a few minutes for my friends to find out how to play, but part of the thrill is discovering what's next to do. Eventually we were pros and it was all down to who would mess up and not complete the task. This game is great to play with friends because it is very fast paced and social. I really enjoyed the game on a completely different level with friends.

    Another great thing about the gameplay is there are so many tasks to perform. There are hundreds of tasks that appear randomly and this makes the game more challenging. Plus the timer keeps getting faster which means you must constantly be paying attention or you will mess up. What is really great is each task gives a short sentence for the thing you must perform. This gave me an idea of what to do next but it would also sometimes trick me and I would mess up the task. I found little boredom completing these tasks since there were so many. The tasks gave not only a great challenge but kept the gameplay new and never got me bored.

    If you play this game enough you get the joys of unlocking new tasks to complete. Since the tasks appear randomly and there are so many, I found myself losing before I completed all the tasks of the levels. I then had to play the level again and play long enough without dying hoping that those tasks would appear. This allows each level to be played over and over. Also there is a high score that it counts and you can keep playing to beat you best. I couldn't help but trying to play every single task in this game.


    The look of this game is very artistic. This game is extremely cartoony and it always throws the most random Images your way. The tasks you perform have a variety of artistic styles that can look really cool or very dorky. This gave me eye candy to keep me entertained while playing. There were so many bizarre and different images that would come on the screen. Some images would gross me out in a childish way others would make me laugh while performing the tasks. I enjoyed the great amount of effort that went into the art in this game.

    The control for this game is the most unique yet most simple control I've ever seen. There are many different ways to use the controller and the control scheme makes it very easy to perform. I found it very natural to use the controller to point and slash and every other task. I also felt like the designers worked very hard on getting the controls to work just right. What better way to introduce the Wii controller with this game!

    I also enjoyed unlocking things in this game There were a copious amount of things you could unlock to keep playiing this was a great design point. I really enjoyed finding minigames that I could play to pass the time . Great game!
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    [March 6, 2008 02:02:41 AM]

    Warioware is a game where you use the Wii controller perform a huge vairety of random tasks. From sawing to shaking to picking someones nose. This game has hundreds of tasks for you to perform. The goal of the game is to complete these tasks in the time given.


    The game starts off introducing you to the first position to use which is pointing the Wii controller. The first level consists of many tasks using the same movement . Each level would add new positions for you to use in order to complete the tasks. I found this very helpful. It got me used to each position as I went along so I was able to perform the new tasks knowing what to do.

    This game is very crazy and as you are going through each level the tasks to perform get harder. I couldn't believe how many crazy tasks this game had me doing. One second I was sawing wood and the next I was clearing the air because Wario laid one. I really am enjoying the many tasks and I hope to continue to be surprised about what is to come.
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    dtdrama's WarioWare (Wii)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 5 March, 2008

    dtdrama's opinion and rating for this game

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    4 : WarioWare (Wii) by soopalation (rating: 5)


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