shoffman's Halo 3 (360)
[March 5, 2008 11:29:19 PM]
During the second session, I was if anything, more focused and involved with what was going on in the game. Competition got tougher and enemies in the levels improved in accuracy, damage, and health. The characters in the game continue to progress throughout in terms of their personality and their interactions with other characters. The storyline eventually became even more complex as the situation for the various groups of characters became more dire.
The overall gameplay during the second session was much more advanced as the people I was playing with became more adept at controlling their characters. Battles lasted longer, people started to be more comfortable trying new things, and everyone began to get to know the levels better. As people got more into the game, their reactions changed for grimaces and dirty looks to full on yelling at each other. People watching were also booing and cheering when someone would do something impressive. I experienced flow during the second session of gameplay again due to the smooth play and intricate movements people would engage in while fighting.
I felt Halo 3 displayed some innovative design elements in that you weren't always limited to the one path provided on the ground. There are also certain places in the game where you can climb on top of buildings and other objects in order to find new paths. The large worlds, difficult enemies, and good graphics where some of the most prominent positive design elements. I also liked having a selection of weapons and vehicles to choose from when combating enemies. The levels in the game varied not only in appearance, but also in the the planet they are set on, and what enemies may be present.
The challenges the game presents come in the form of things like cliffs you can fall off of, intelligent enemies whose actions are unpredictable, and killing the bad guys before they kill you. The variety of challenges present in the game help to hold the players interest as well as make it interesting for others to watch. The game creates conflict by forcing the players to engage in intense fighting with both other players and computers in order to win games and finish levels. The game makes good use of the space in the gameworld by putting in a series of large levels that take a lot of time to work through and are full of enemies.
Some parts of the game were frustrating because they were so hard that you would have to repeat certain spots several times and often you would be sent back through large chunks of the level. The game doesn't present emergent complexity because it provides only one option for the player to continue the game, and there aren't really any choices you can make. The games reward structure of achievement points, skulls that have effects on certain aspects of the game, and a new title for online play were effective motivators for me, and they were fun to achieve. Halo 3 didn't provide very many new ideas for my game, but it was definitely an enjoyable experience to play it.
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[March 5, 2008 10:42:32 PM]
Halo 3 is a space age first person shooter where you are the last of an elite group of cyborg warriors called Spartans(aka Mark V). In the game, you run around killing aliens and completing various tasks in an effort to avoid the extermination of all human life.
During both the multi-player and single player modes of this game, I was completely focused on fighting the enemy and avoiding various grenades and other projectiles. The main characters in the game were only given personality through the cinematics, but the characters were each interesting and they all had some kind of background story behind them. I also really liked how the marines have line throughout the game that give them a personality of sorts as well. The story progresses as a fairly fast pace which is an important quality for a shooter to have in my opinion. The narration added a real sense of being told an exciting story which was a definite plus during play.
The gameplay was very smooth and the players actions when in combat almost looked like a dance. The game stayed interesting because there was a near constant change in scenery and you were able to progress through levels in pursuit of a later goal. During the multi-player and co-operative portions of play, players were able to compete with one another by trash talking, but they were also able to communicate about what was going on in the game. I experienced flow in this game probably more than in any other game that I have played this year due to the constant action, and the need to adapt to situations and challenges.
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shoffman's Halo 3 (360)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 5 March, 2008