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    birote81's Tetris / Dr. Mario (SNES)

    [March 6, 2008 02:54:26 AM]
    - Tetris creates challenge by making the player concentrate on the two opposite sides of the screen. As the player, you must keep an eye on the shape falling and where it could actually fit in to erase a row. You also have to keep track of the gaps in the rows below you to clear the stacks more efficiently.

    Adapting to the speed at which the shapes fall from the top increases as the levels get harder. It is challenging and rewarding to achieve this transition between speed levels and keeps the game fresh. Where it could have been better would have been if they designed different backgrounds for the different levels of the game.

    The multiplayer aspect makes the player improve faster because of the more personal competition between player and player. Playing just to improve the time or the top score is fun. On the other hand playing head to head with an opponent and keeping track of each other's score is more entertaining. It makes you feel cool.
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    [March 6, 2008 02:40:13 AM]
    - Tetris is a puzzle game in which figures fall from the top of the screen and the goal is to stack them correctly. This game is single-player only.

    - Playing this game can become addicting because it is a great and fun game. Even though the game is very easy to play, it is hard to master. The game is interesting because even if you have played the game for more than a couple of times, it is still very fun and doesnt become repetitive. Something that would have added more fun to the game would have been having different backgrounds or phisical levels.

    The game is fun because even though it is easy to understand and manipulate, it is hard to master. You have to be aware of the distance between the falling pieces and the row of pieces at the bottom. As well as the distance awareness, the player has to adapt to the increasing difficulties of the levels as the game progresses. And keeping track of what pieces that will come next.

    I didn't play the Dr. Mario, this gamelog is only for the tetris portion. Tetris is a classic game and it is the fact that it is very simple and competing against other by keeping score is something that makes it much more entertaining. The multiplayer value is great in this game and adds for repetitive playing very enjoyable.
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    birote81's Tetris / Dr. Mario (SNES)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 5 March, 2008

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    1 : Tetris / Dr. Mario (SNES) by JohnLeeMellon (rating: 5)


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