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    dmacleod's Street Fighter II Alpha (SNES)

    [March 6, 2008 07:22:26 PM]
    /GAMEPLAY/ session #2

    The game was too hard on maximum setting, the computer fighters were reacting too quickly to every punch and kick I threw at them. Certain moves in this game will take priority over others, an example is an Uppercut from Ken, the move will cancel out the other opponents strike and the Ken will win the exchange.

    Turning the difficulty up made the game more rewarding how ever, fights became more intense and I had to play defensively and more strategically, even exploiting some of the games bugs. It took me about 45 minutes to finally beat the game on this maximum setting, and I think it made me better at the game.


    The game is a game of emergence, there are only a set number of actions you can take and it is the player’s job to string together a sequence that can enable them to win fights. Moving left and right, kicking and punching, jumping and blocking are the tools given to the player. The player’s buttons also correspond to the strength of the attack, such as strong punch or weak kick.

    I am not entirely sure how the priority (mentioned above) fighting system works, but it seems like on the ends of every kick and punch the attack will do damage if it literally touches the opponents sprite during the few moments after the attack is initiated. This is a design element that makes the game have a lot of depth, as players at a competitive level are going to need know when and where to attack.

    The overall graphics in the game are good for the Super Nintendo and are well drawn. The game is extremely similar to the other previous Street Fighter games and obviously the things that make this game fun are the things that make the others fun. New characters aren’t what make sequels better, it’s the technicality and understanding of the fighting system used.

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    [March 6, 2008 02:25:53 AM]

    Street Fighter Alpha 2 is a 2-D fighting game for the Super Nintendo and part of the Street Fighter Series. The game is very similar to its street fighter predecessors, sharing many of the same characters and abilities but adding special “super moves” and new fighters. Like all fighting games, you select your avatar and duke it out with either the computer or your buddies.


    I have always been turned off by the “Alpha” series of Street Fighter games for some reason, I think it is because I never understood where they stood in relation to the games in the series. There is Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha II, Street Fighter III: Third Strike and Street Fighter Alpha III and so on.

    Anyway, the game is good. I picked Ken because I always have since I first played Street Fighter; he’s got all of the basic moves and the uniquely powerful flaming uppercut. I tore through the game quite quickly; enjoying the cool fast passed retro 90’s game music along the way. The new “super combo” system is very enjoyable; as you deal and take damage your combo meter builds up, once you have a high enough combo meters, you release your energy in a devastatingly awesome move. Because I beat the game twice in one hour, I think I will turn the difficulty up and also change the “Turbo” option to make the gameplay speed increase as well.
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    dmacleod's Street Fighter II Alpha (SNES)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 6 March, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Monday 10 March, 2008

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