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    liddell0wnZ's Pokemon Pearl (DS)

    [March 6, 2008 12:07:51 PM]
    Gamelog #2


    The second half of gameplay actually was more exciting than the first half. The first half of the game was pretty much adjusting to the new controls and capabilities, but the second half was using all of my prior and current knowledge of the game and using it to defeat gym leaders, collect new Pokemon, and defeat several new and challenging foes. The game was very fun to play because it offered surprise and new challenges each time I picked up my DS. The game was very interesting to play because I got to see how the Pokemon game series has changed and developed within a decade's time.

    This game was not only fun to play independently but it was also fun playing with others who also own the game. Trading and battling with others has been a a quality of the Pokemon series that has existed since he Red and Blue Versions and has been enjoyed by fans ever since. My friend and I would frequently trade with each other and eventually duke it out to see which trainer is the superior. The Pokemon game series encourages players to interact with each other to further enhance the interactive experience of gameplay.


    One of the innovative elements that stood out to me the most was during gameplay the background would change from day to night based on what time the in-game clock (the Poketech)is programmed at. For example if the in-game clock said it was 8am then in the Pokemon world it would be sunny, and if it read 11pm the Pokemon world would be dark. The Poketech device also included a calculator, a map, a counter, a wireless link up search, and drawing pad.

    Another thing I noticed was the attention to detail each Pokemon seemingly had. In the battle sequences it the Pokemon are crisp, clear, and are abundant with colors. In the Red and Blue Version not only was there no color but the quality of the Pokemon sprites was pretty crappy. The Pokemon Diamond and Pearl installations pretty much cleared up all of the shaky graphic elements the Red and Blue versions created, and introduced new crisper graphics that are more aesthetically pleasing. From purely a designer's outlook the game layout was very similar to the older games, but made significant improvements in the graphics that made the game the success it is today
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    [March 6, 2008 11:36:33 AM]
    Gamelog #1


    Pokemon Pearl is the latest installation in the Pokemon hand held game series. The goals in the game is the same as those before it, collect all eight badges by defeating all eight gym leaders, collect as many Pokemon as you can, and become the greatest Pokemon trainer in the world. This game retains several of its old qualities such as: interactive characters, fun battle sequences, and of course legendary Pokemon to capture. It also has many new graphically enhanced options such as: mobile Pokemon sprites, fun new mini-games, and many other things the player has at his or her disposal. Pokemon Pearl is a very enjoyable game and is perhaps (along with Pokemon Diamond) the best game out of the entire Pokemon series.


    When I was younger I was a very avid fan of the Pokemon franchise. I played the games, bought the merchandise, and lived the lifestyle of a Pokemon fan. However now I guess you could say I'm not as huge a fan as I used to be. However when the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl came out I was curious as to how much better the new 2007 version of the Pokemon hand held game was compared to a version that came out nearly 10 years ago. I found out after 2 hours of straight gameplay that this game was significantly better than the older Red and Blue Versions. The graphics were crisper, the colors were very abundant and vibrant, and battle sequences were a lot more intense.

    I felt really happy when I played this game. It brought back old memories from the glory days of the Pokemon Franchise when I spent countless hours in front of my old Game Boy color. I felt felt pretty much the same way I did when I first started getting in to the Pokemon hype, but since it implemented new graphic and in-game features I was able to consistently have fun, from the beginning of the game to the very end.
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    liddell0wnZ's Pokemon Pearl (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 6 March, 2008

    liddell0wnZ's opinion and rating for this game

    Pokemon at its absolute best

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Pokemon Pearl (DS) by neoyaku2 (rating: 5)
    2 : Pokemon Pearl (DS) by szahirieh (rating: 5)


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